St Madeleine Sophie Barat - May 25 CathyTrowbridge on Nov 8, 2013. Daughter of Jacques Barat, a cooper who worked with the vineyards for whom he supplied barrels. Naturally bright, she was educatedMore
St Madeleine Sophie Barat - May 25

CathyTrowbridge on Nov 8, 2013. Daughter of Jacques Barat, a cooper who worked with the vineyards for whom he supplied barrels. Naturally bright, she was educated by her older brother Louis, a monk. As Madeline grew older, her brother feared she would be exposed to too much of the world, and so brought her to Paris, France with him. The girl wanted to be a Carmelite lay sister, but with Father Joseph Varin and three other postulants, she founded the Society of the Sacred Heart on 21 November 1800; the Society is devoted to the Sacred Heart, and dedicated to teaching girls. Nun. Teacher. Superior General of the Society at age 23, she held the position for 63 years. Receiving papal approval of the Society in 1826, she founded 105 houses in many countries; Saint Rose Phillippine Duschene and four companions brought the Society to the United States.


12 December 1779 at Joigny, France


25 May 1865 at Paris, France of natural causes


12 February 1905 by Pope Saint Pius X (decree of heroic virtues)


24 May 1908 by Pope Saint Pius X


24 May 1925 by Pope Pius XI


Let us attach ourselves to God alone, and turn our eyes and our hopes to Him. Saint Madeline
To suffer myself, and not to make others suffer. Saint Madeline
Our Lord who saved the world through the Cross will only work for the good of souls through the Cross. Saint Madeline
God does not ask of us the perfection of tomorrow, nor even of tonight, but only of the present moment. Saint Madeline Sophie Barat