In Memoriam - Fr. Juan Carlos Iscara Communiqué of the Death of Fr. J.C. Iscara We regret to inform you of the death of our beloved Reverend Father Juan Carlos lscara on December 21 , 2023. He died …More
In Memoriam - Fr. Juan Carlos Iscara

Communiqué of the Death of Fr. J.C. Iscara

We regret to inform you of the death of our beloved Reverend Father Juan Carlos lscara on December 21 , 2023. He died peacefully after not too much agony, having received all the Last Sacraments and comforts of his Holy Mother Church.
He had gradually been declining in health since this past summer and was moved by professional medical transport to the Sursum Corda House, a nursing home affiliated with the SSPX, in Phoenix, AZ. lt was there that he passed away.
Having been stationed at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary for 30 years, he will be sorely missed by all: the professors (all of which were his former students), the seminarians, brothers, and sisters. We owe him very much.
His funeral was held here at the Seminary, celebrated by His Excellency Bishop Fellay, on January 3rd.

Requiescat in pace!
Credo .
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace, Amen.