
English Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Become Carmelite Nuns

The Priory of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate in Lanherne, Diocese of Plymouth, England, has become a Carmelite monastery, writes Sara Harvey-Craig on friendsoflanherne.org.

In July 2001 a dozen of sisters of the contemplative branch of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate came to Lanherne, a former Carmelite monastery that was bought by a group of laypeople.

Later the order, including the sisters in Lanherne, embraced the Tridentine Mass. But in October 2015, Pope Francis appointed a commissioner who practically abolished the Tridentine Mass and forced the friars and sisters to return to the Novus Ordo. Several sisters left.

The priory in Lanherne took a different path. In December 2016 the Sisters became Carmelite nuns with the Old Carmelite Rite.

Picture: Lanherne, friendsoflanherne.org, #newsGoapmvjbcf