Elon Musk Is a ‘Secret’ Young Global Leader and Shares Klaus Schwab’s Vision. Tesla founder and world's richest man Elon Musk was a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and shares many of Klaus …More
Elon Musk Is a ‘Secret’ Young Global Leader and Shares Klaus Schwab’s Vision.

Tesla founder and world's richest man Elon Musk was a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and shares many of Klaus Schwab's goals.

Billionaire Elon Musk is using his wealth and influence to move Republican politics towards open borders, climate alarmism and away from supporting Christian values.

In 2008, Musk was a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. While Musk is determined to have this information removed from the internet, the fact he was once affiliated with the WEF should come as no surprise. Musk shares many of Klaus Schwab’s nefarious goals, including microchipping children and drilling chips into human brains.

Unlike other billionaires and Young Global Leaders, Musk has not appeared at Davos or allowed himself to be photographed with Schwab. Musk supporters claim this is evidence he has since turned his back on the WEF.

But there is plenty of evidence to suggest Musk is still firmly on the inside of the WEF and his front as free-wheeling capitalist technoking is part of a double-agent ruse to manipulate the masses on social media.

Musk attended a large private gathering held in Wyoming by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Introduced by McCarthy as the “Thomas Edison of our time,” Musk wasted no time in stating that the Republican Party needs to abandon Christianity morality.

Musk stated that Republicans should stay “out of people’s bedrooms,” and that Democrats ought to stay “out of people’s wallets.” He is also trying to end Donald Trump’s hold over the GOP, urging Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to run for President in 2024.

According to the lifelong Democrat voter, he switched to the right side after Democrats became the party of division and hate.

While it’s hard to disagree with Musk’s analysis of the modern Democrat Party, Tesla’s “technoking” still holds many views that are deeply questionable and not remotely compatible with a conservative mindset.

At the large private gathering, Musk also stated that the GOP needs to accept mass immigration, open borders and be more kind to illegal immigrants. To put this in context, Musk is speaking as wave after wave of illegals flood across the U.S. southern border in a carefully orchestrated globalist plot against the U.S. Republic.

“To be clear, I support the left half of the Republican Party and the right half of the Democratic Party!” Musk wrote in a tweet indicating he is no conservative.

Musk has reinvented himself as a populist in recent years, and has flirted with the conspiracy community, but he has a long history of being a green jobs scammer who has pushed the climate change agenda to line his own pockets.

Musk quit President Donald Trump’s business advisory panel in June of 2017, incensed that the President had the audacity to withdraw the United States from the globalist Paris Climate Change agreement.

Musk’s reliance on green subsidies from government and his fealty to communist China has been widely reported in the past. Take a look at this tweet for an indication of where this technocratic globalist’s loyalties lie.

“The economic prosperity that China has achieved is truly amazing, especially in infrastructure! I encourage people to visit and see for themselves,” Musk wrote in a tweet.

Musk has also turned on Bitcoin recently, joining the mainstream in denouncing the technology that is capable of providing humanity with financial freedom. According to Musk, the electricity required to mine Bitcoin is unsustainable, but the huge amount of electricity required to power his cars is somehow fine.

Musk is playing the class clown on social media, entertaining the masses. But if you scratch the surface, Musk appears to be a subversive globalist element inserting himself into conservative politics to steer the GOP away from America First.

This lifelong Democrat and dangerous interloper, loved by RINO Kevin McCarthy, must be viewed with an extreme amount of suspicion.
Samuel Henry Doogood
As a ardent, stauch and devout leftist, I agreed with 99.9% of what you said here. But there is one point that you missed... you think the CCP is communist. How can you be so blind to fail to see that the Chinese CAPITALIST Party is the LEADING agent for Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum and--above all--Capitalist China is the trial run for the Great Reset itself! China is what the entire planet …More
As a ardent, stauch and devout leftist, I agreed with 99.9% of what you said here. But there is one point that you missed... you think the CCP is communist. How can you be so blind to fail to see that the Chinese CAPITALIST Party is the LEADING agent for Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum and--above all--Capitalist China is the trial run for the Great Reset itself! China is what the entire planet will be once Klaus, Xi, Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, McCarthy, Bush, Clinton and all the rest get what they want! Just look at all the business deals US elected officials have WITH china... China owns more US agricultural land than WEF puppet Bill Gates. McConnell is married to a Chinese National. Biden used taxpayer money to pay China to create covid. China is a shadow ally of the US and is AS CAPITALIST as the US.

It's so sad to see people get ALMOST EVERYTHING exactly right only to drop the ball regarding China... it's pathetic.
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Again I'll say, DO NOT trust Donald Trump nor Elon Musk, nor the Vatican.