
Novus Ordo Communion Soaked In Raspberry Juice

During his Sunday Corpus Christi homily at St Patrick's Basilica in South Dunedin, New Zealand, Father Vaughan Hook took a trip down memory lane starting with his First Communion.

His key words were “I” and “mum” followed by “feeling”, “amazing” and “wonderful”.

As a teenager, he once dropped the host on the floor that he had taken with his hand. Hook wanted to "pick it up later", but a woman beat him to it and brought it to the priest.

Three years ago, Hook was seriously ill in hospital, unable to move or eat. After three full months, he started eating mushy food. As he "really loves raspberry juice", a Novus Ordo host was dipped in raspberry juice "and tasted amazing." Hook's comment, " I loved it. It was so cool.”

After handing out Communion at the end of the Eucharist, Hook gave the small and elderly congregation a “wow” smile and added another anecdote from his time as a deacon and former captain of the Pioneer Rugby Club.

He took Communion to a former captain of the Albion Rugby Club who was on his deathbed. Pioneer Rugby and Albion Rugby were rivals. Before receiving Communion, the man prayed against Hook's club.

Hook jokingly warned him that, for the last time, he would bring him Communion in a Pioneers shirt. When the day came, Hook appeared with the Viaticum, wearing the dying man's club shirt.



Novus Ordo FULL Communion.
Notice the 'sideways "sanctuary"' - the stupid practice from the 70s & 80s where in beautiful older churches the liturgists fled the proper sanctuary and moved the altar down to the nave with The People [TM]. Not surprising this priest thinks it just fine and dandy to relate to the folks by downplaying the awesome holiness of Christ's present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. No wonder we have a …More
Notice the 'sideways "sanctuary"' - the stupid practice from the 70s & 80s where in beautiful older churches the liturgists fled the proper sanctuary and moved the altar down to the nave with The People [TM]. Not surprising this priest thinks it just fine and dandy to relate to the folks by downplaying the awesome holiness of Christ's present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. No wonder we have a problem with "Eucharistic coherence"!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Typical Novus Ordo priest. I don't say that in a good way either 🤪