
Transgender Priest Rev. Cameron Partridge Preaches at Washington DC Cathedral

Courtesy of The Christian Post...

By Leonardo Blair , CP Reporter
June 11, 2014|2:56 pm

(Photo: Twitter)
The Rev. Cameron Partridge.

The Rev. Cameron Partridge will become the first openly transgender priest to preach at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, June 22, as the historic church celebrates LGBT pride month in a service led by Rev. Gene Robinson, the first openly gay priest to be elected a bishop.
"Cameron Partridge is a priest of great intellect, pastoral presence, and possesses a deep passion for the Gospel. We are excited for him to preach at the Cathedral," Rev. Gary Hall, dean of Washington National Cathedral noted in a Huffington Post report.
In a further statement on the selection of Partridge to preach, Hall noted that the church wanted to send a message of love to the LGBT community.
"As an advocate both within the Church and wider community, Cameron's presence in the pulpit, I hope, will also send a symbolic message in support of greater equality for the transgender community, which suffers from acts of violence, discrimination, unemployment, homelessness and financial inequality," he said.
"We at Washington National Cathedral are striving to send a message of love and affirmation, especially to LGBT youth who suffer daily because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. We want to proclaim to them as proudly and unequivocally as we can: Your gender identity is good and your sexual orientation is good because that's the way that God made you," he added.

Partridge, who is one of seven openly transgender clergy in the Episcopal Church, changed from female to male in 2001. He is the Episcopal Chaplain at Boston University and a lecturer at Harvard Divinity School, according to his blogger profile.
"I am passionate about the vibrant intersection of the church and the world — that's the sacramental threshold where my ministry unfolds. I specialize in working with young adults, in doing advocacy for social justice — particularly in the areas of gender, sexuality and economic class — and in exploring the theological dimensions of these ministries," he notes on his profile.
He has lived in Boston with his spouse and two sons since 1995.
(PHOTO: Courtesy the Washington National Cathedral)
Christians gathered in the Washington National Cathedral on Dec. 17, 2011, for the Bethlehem Prayer Service.
It´s an allegation - or slander God, that he would have created people with incorrect orientation, because he has condemned homosexuality and made punishable by law.
But it seems that liberal humanists hold nothing of the word of God...
The Church of Rome was in a liberal Masonic Club transforms, which implements the human rights – but it´s not the Church of Jesus Christ, which is its image and …More
It´s an allegation - or slander God, that he would have created people with incorrect orientation, because he has condemned homosexuality and made punishable by law.
But it seems that liberal humanists hold nothing of the word of God...
The Church of Rome was in a liberal Masonic Club transforms, which implements the human rights – but it´s not the Church of Jesus Christ, which is its image and body, and living the commandments of God.
Too bad for the integrity and sincere priests, because also secular humanists and relativists are appointed to bishops in Germany.
There is a difference between Christian and secular humanists or atheists, but even humanrights-politicians call themselves Christians and insert "C" before their party names, notwithstanding that it is an abuse of the name of God.
Angela Merkel has supported the East German dictatorship, but came to the West in the "C"- party, and said that the ten commandments in the politics remain outside.
It´s irresponsible for themselves, because everyone reaps what he have sown.
It´s also dangerous for the misguided Catholics, that these contradictions in Rome rule.

"...From your children you should not give in to, to make it go the Moloch by the fire, and you shall not profane the name of the Lord, your God. I am the Lord! And when a man you shall not lie, as one lies with a woman: it is an abomination...!
Not contaminated this; you through everything because through all this the Nations have contaminated himself, who I expel you. The land was contaminated, and I hit his injustice to him, and the country spewed its inhabitants. But ye, ye shall observe my statutes and my rights and you shall do nothing all because all these abominations have done by the people of this country these abominations, the locals and the stranger who is in your midst, which were before you, and the country is been contaminated, so the country not spitting out you, if you contaminated it, so how it has spat out the nation, which was before you: for everyone, the one of all these abominations does - the souls that they do should be eradicated from the middle of their people.
And you shall observe my rules that you do not the detestable customs that have been practised before you, and by same contaminated you not. "I am the Lord, your God.!"
Leviticus 18, 21-30
Sadly, this is the state of affairs at the Washington Archdiocese under the auspices of Cardinal Donald Wuerl. The following excerpt was taken right from the official diocese web site and may shed some light on why the good cardinal permits this...
He serves on numerous national and international bodies with an emphasis on education, social justice and religious freedom. He is chancellor of The …More
Sadly, this is the state of affairs at the Washington Archdiocese under the auspices of Cardinal Donald Wuerl. The following excerpt was taken right from the official diocese web site and may shed some light on why the good cardinal permits this...

He serves on numerous national and international bodies with an emphasis on education, social justice and religious freedom. He is chancellor of The Catholic University of America and chairman of the board of The Papal Foundation. He serves on the Vatican Congregations for the Doctrine of the Faith, for Bishops, for Clergy, the Pontifical Councils for Promoting Christian Unity and for Culture. He helped direct the 2012 Vatican Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith

I believe the catholic church is complicit in promoting this "social justice" non-sense which I'm afraid comes from the top. What about God's justice? The apostle says nothing unclean can enter heaven.
Dr Bobus
Neither is he a priest, nor is the Washington National Cathedral a Cathedral.
The headline should read:
Transgender layman Cameron Partridge Preaches at a Washington DC secular building that is a copy of a medieval Gothic church.More
Neither is he a priest, nor is the Washington National Cathedral a Cathedral.

The headline should read:

Transgender layman Cameron Partridge Preaches at a Washington DC secular building that is a copy of a medieval Gothic church.
On Guard
And, what does the REAL Catholic Church think of this sacrilege? Are we going to have the transgender priests so we can satisfy the "female priests"??
God Forgive us....