THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT HAS BEEN ASKED TO SAY WHY VACCINATIONS ARE MAGNETIC magnetism being experienced by thousands of people in the UK, has led the NOTB Organisation to petition the British Parliament for "an urgent public parliamentary review into the safety, legitimacy and ethical implications of the ingredients and biotechnology that are making people magnetic after C19 vaccination."
It is a …More
THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT HAS BEEN ASKED TO SAY WHY VACCINATIONS ARE MAGNETIC magnetism being experienced by thousands of people in the UK, has led the NOTB Organisation to petition the British Parliament for "an urgent public parliamentary review into the safety, legitimacy and ethical implications of the ingredients and biotechnology that are making people magnetic after C19 vaccination."
It is a medically established fact that thousands of British citizens have found that parts of their bodies have become magnetic after receiving one of Covid's vaccines. The ingredients described contain water, sugar, salts and fats. None of these ingredients are magnetic. The undisclosed ingredients are illegal. Undisclosed biotechnology involves misleading the public.

Not On The Beeb - What the BBC missed. Documentary film.

UK Parliament Petition Application TITLE: Review the effect of C19 vaccinations inducing cellular magnetism. REQUEST: We request an urgent public …
Nanografi, leader in the production of graphene, develops intranasal vaccine for covid and PCR test with graphene oxide nanoparticles.
Graphene oxide nanoparticles are also used in PCR tests and manufactured by a nanotechnology company.