
Abuse Hoax: Vatican Has Defrocked Another Innocent Priest

Father Luis Alejandro Bazalar Garcia was sentenced in 2015 in Ayacucho, Peru, to eight years in prison for “kidnapping and sexually assaulting” Sheila Roca Gonzales, a 17-year-old homosexual and former seminarian who had asked to be accompanied by Bazalar.

Siding with the secular judges, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith hastend to laicise Bazalar.

However, a year later, in 2016, Peru’s Supreme Court cancelled the sentence because Bazalar’s accuser had entangled himself in a web of lies and contradictions.

The court ordered the annulment of all criminal, judicial and police records.

Nevertheless, Bazaar is still cast out by a Church that officially proclaims her closeness to “sinners” and those “marginalised.”

He never received a response to his November 2015 canonical appeal. He travelled to Rome twice without avail and wrote several letters to Francis.

In his last letter to Francis, he stated, “All were disloyal to me, Holiness,” adding, “Do not abandon me too, Holy Father.”


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"“All were disloyal to me, Holiness,” adding, “Do not abandon me too, Holy Father.”" He's extremely naive, to believe that a heretic like Bergoglio will do anything to help him. He might as well have sent it to the Dalai Lama (who might have been more sympathetic than Bergoglio!!!)