Maja 21
Tom Cruise Terrifies James in 'Top Gun' Fighter Jet! - YouTube "Top Gun: Maverick" star Tom Cruise picks up James for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the desert where Tom pilots James in a vintage fighter …More
Tom Cruise Terrifies James in 'Top Gun' Fighter Jet! - YouTube
"Top Gun: Maverick" star Tom Cruise picks up James for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the desert where Tom pilots James in a vintage fighter plane for the afternoon. And just when James thinks he's survived, Tom informs him the two will be going up again — this time in a jet fit for modern aerial warfare. There isn't much doubt Maverick will survive the experience, but will James? "Top Gun: Maverick" comes out only in theaters May 27!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Tom Cruise is gonna be 61!! He's made his tons of money. Not surprised if he's almost a billionaire. But who wants to see movies like this with a 60-61-62 yr. old star? Does Tom Cruise still think he looks 26-36 when millions of fans adored him? If he does, he's delusional. He was a medium good actor from the start. I remember a line from "Julie and Julia" which fits Tom Cruise. It was when Julia …More
Tom Cruise is gonna be 61!! He's made his tons of money. Not surprised if he's almost a billionaire. But who wants to see movies like this with a 60-61-62 yr. old star? Does Tom Cruise still think he looks 26-36 when millions of fans adored him? If he does, he's delusional. He was a medium good actor from the start. I remember a line from "Julie and Julia" which fits Tom Cruise. It was when Julia Child looked in the mirror to see herself dressed in her very best and she says "pretty good, but not great"
That was/is Tom Cruise. Pretty good, but not great.