Columbus: the US seminary that is not affected by the vocations crisis

Bishop Earl Fernandes: "When I took office as bishop, almost two years ago, there were no priestly ordinations in our diocese. At the end of my episcopal ordination, I had joked with the congregation that more bishops than priests would be ordained this year"

"When I took office as bishop, almost two years ago, there were no priestly ordinations in our diocese. At the end of my episcopal ordination, I had joked with the congregation that this year more bishops would be ordained than priests." Monsignor Earl Fernandes, bishop of the diocese of Columbus, United States, smiles when remembering this anecdote with Vatican News.

He also smiles because in less than two years the situation has changed completely: thanks to pastoral efforts and prayers, last year 16 young people entered the seminary and this year the diocese - which also boasts an increase in the number of faithful - hopes at least a dozen more.

Dialogues and retreats with young people
"We have chosen young priests to meet once a month with local boys and girls to discern their vocation to the diocesan priesthood or religious life, and to read Brother Brett Brannan's book 'Saving a Thousand Souls: A Guide to discern the vocation to the diocesan priesthood,'" explains Bishop Fernandes.

Retreats entitled Quo vadis? for high school students. " The young people spend three days in prayer, listening to testimonies, speaking with priests who understand what priestly formation is, but also enjoy the fraternity to experience that it encompasses much more than prayer, study and work. This has also given many fruits," reports the prelate, who reiterates the importance of prayer for the laity and religious of the diocese: "We constantly exhort to pray and fast for vocations.

Referring to the message for the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations, published yesterday, March 19, the feast of Saint Joseph, Monsignor Fernandes stressed that "Joseph was a simple man, a husband, a putative father, who responded to the call of the Lord "So we also have many priests who say yes to the Lord, dedicating their lives to service, to giving, offering people hope, the hope that comes from the Holy Eucharist, the hope that comes from being forgiven."

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Vincent Capuano
young people? not men?