Letztes Interview mit Paul Jennings Hill Teil 1 "I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for saving me from my sins and enabling me to persevere. I thank the Lord for my loving parents, my loving sisters. I also …More
Letztes Interview mit Paul Jennings Hill Teil 1
"I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for saving me from my sins and enabling
me to persevere. I thank the Lord for my loving parents, my loving
sisters. I also thank the Lord for giving me an excellent wife and three
wonderful children. Two of the last things I'd like to say, if you believe
abortion is a lethal force, you should oppose the force and do
what you have to do to stop it. May God help you to protect the unborn as you would want to be protected."
Last words of American Martyr Paul Hill. September 3rd 2003 AD Of whom the world was not worthy Hebrews 11:38
holyrope 3
What do we call those who have LEGALIZED the MURDERING of INNOCENT LIFE? not murderers? who should be behind bars themselves? If a person lines up 50 children say,..and shoots they all dead, should he not go to prison? A President/Supreme Court who does the same by allowing the murder of MILLIONS INSIDE their MOTHERS, should walk this earth perfectly innocent and free? where's the justice?????
No one of you understand it...An abortionist-doctor murders children and he has to be stopped, even by the the use of force...
I'm from germany and I doesn't understand your problem, as a christian.
Do anyone of you know Dr. Mengele, the doctor of the concentration-camp Auschwitz? He had murdered thousands of jewish people...If anyone had stopped him by shooting him, this man would now be a hero …More
No one of you understand it...An abortionist-doctor murders children and he has to be stopped, even by the the use of force...
I'm from germany and I doesn't understand your problem, as a christian.

Do anyone of you know Dr. Mengele, the doctor of the concentration-camp Auschwitz? He had murdered thousands of jewish people...If anyone had stopped him by shooting him, this man would now be a hero in historybooks...so what, Paul Jennings Hill is a hero, Scott Roeder is a hero and so many more... 👍
✍️ The means don't justify the ends. As Christians we are called to die for our Faith not kill for it. - Blessings - Rene
Calling this man a martyr is an insult to the true Christian martyrs. 😡
Libor Halik
If he was sincere, he is probably the martyr and he lives in heaven now. He wanted to save christian culture in USA. God knows. Download gloria.tv/.../media-77416-1.flv