Archbishop: Francis Should Have Declared Homosexual Sin as Something Good

The new Archbishop of Bamberg, Herwig Gössl, 56, told (5 January) that he had hoped for "clearer" statements from Francis/Fernández on homosexual sins.

At least he sees the logical flaw in the pamphlet 'Sodoma supplicans': "I thought that if we were to bless such unions, the doctrine would have to evolve in such a way that homosexual acts would no longer be considered a grave sin."

But he is confident that Francis' pamphlet will change "practice" and will not be "the end of the debate".

An archbishop who doesn't know that mortal sins cannot be abolished by a decree is like a geneticist who believes that children are brought by the stork.

Picture: Herwig Gössl, © press picture, #newsVhjtjowfte

P. O'B
What this faithless bishop says does have a certain logic -- if you can bless it, it must be good. The approval of unspeakable acts is the endgame of this papal fiasco, whether admitted or not.
Naomi Arai
An archbishop who doesn't that a reference to Bishop Gossl, or to Fernandez? It's funnier if it refers to Fernandez.