Animals More Important Than Humans? Uploaded by TVCatholic on Jun 20, 2010 ♱ ♱ ♱ viewers.multicastmedia.com/viewer/viewerframes_parent.aspMore
Animals More Important Than Humans?

Uploaded by TVCatholic on Jun 20, 2010
♱ ♱ ♱ viewers.multicastmedia.com/viewer/viewerframes_parent.asp
Very well spoken, Crucisignus Teutonicus. Precious babies are aborted every day, may we stand for life, and pray God be merciful to us. Thank you for this post, Irapuato. Mercy, Jesus, Mercy 😘
I think both are pretty disgusting. And the logic dictates that Humans should be far more protected. However the world is in a place where there is no balance. We go to far to one end, or the other. One should never abort a human baby for any reason! But as well respect for life should be so deep that aborting baby lambs for a celebrity to feast upon is appalling too. And I'm sure the lady in question …More
I think both are pretty disgusting. And the logic dictates that Humans should be far more protected. However the world is in a place where there is no balance. We go to far to one end, or the other. One should never abort a human baby for any reason! But as well respect for life should be so deep that aborting baby lambs for a celebrity to feast upon is appalling too. And I'm sure the lady in question would have an abortion in a minute.
The cultural marxists have turned abortion not into a life rights issue, but a violation of "freedom of choice". And so with this notion of false liberty people have become most selfish. This is the satanic age! Which does not come dressed in a black robe, with inverted crosses, it comes as party, and a cynical view of the world.