Crushed the serpent's head! EU=spirit of antichrist. Consecration of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus to the Most Holy Mother of God (Kiev, 8 January 2013, Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos) Byzantine …More
Crushed the serpent's head! EU=spirit of antichrist.

Consecration of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus to the Most Holy Mother of God
(Kiev, 8 January 2013, Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos)
Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, vkpatriarhat.org.ua/en

In this historic hour, on behalf of all the orthodox Catholic and Orthodox Christians of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, and on behalf of Presidents Viktor Fedorovych, Vladimir Vladimirovych and Olexandr Grygorovych, I, Elijah, Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate, consecrate these three Slavic nations to the Most Holy Mother of God.
In the hour of His death, Jesus saw His Mother and the disciple standing by the cross. Then He said to the disciple: "Behold, your Mother!" The disciple received the Mother of Jesus into his own -- vo svoja si (note: Old Church Slavonic) /Greek: eis ta idia/. In Kiev, St. Vladimir cast Perun into the Dnieper and accepted Christ and His Gospel. Now in Kiev, on behalf of myself and all orthodox Catholic and Orthodox Christians of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, I accept the testament of Jesus dying on the cross.
Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead on the third day.
At the beginning of this millennium, supranational institutions promote satanization and autogenocide of the nations, including Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
Ideology of the antichrist through chip implantation with the number of the apocalyptic beast and through the so-called Unified Register establishes total control of each individual. Through perverse gender idea it destroys all moral, natural and Christian values. Crimes against children committed by the juvenile justice system are crimes against humanity. They are hypocritically disguised with positive terms, such as "children's rights", "foster families" and the like. Ukraine, exposed to pressure and fraud, has already changed its laws. The aim of the new laws is autogenocide of the nation. It is necessary that these new antilaws should be annulled and structures dissolved as soon as possible!
In this year, spend at least one hour every day in a conversation with God. The Most Holy Mother of God, whom we have received as our Mother and to whom we have consecrated Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, is now crushing the head of the serpent.