2019 Easter Collage: Visit to Trier, Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp, Brugges, Amiens & Reims. ✍️ 1. Heard Holy Mass at Trier Cathedral--liturgical music was divine, venerated St. Matthias at his Abbey, …More
2019 Easter Collage: Visit to Trier, Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp, Brugges, Amiens & Reims.
✍️ 1. Heard Holy Mass at Trier Cathedral--liturgical music was divine, venerated St. Matthias at his Abbey, venerated Hieronymus Jaegen in the St. Gangolf Church...
✍️ 2. BELGIUM was a great surprise: Heard mass at the Brussels Cathedral, and adored our Lord in the Eucharistic Miracle (Museum), took the hop-on-hop-öff bus...
✍️ 3. Ghent was a nightmare when it came to finding the hotel because of the one-way streets, but it was worth it in order to finally see the Ghent Altarpiece...Antwerp
was fine...check out the restaurant with wall-to-wall saints...(11th Commandment)
✍️ 4. Brugges is too touristy--the locals are VERY patient and polite with us, and the Basilica of the Holy Blood Relic is a MUST....
✍️ 5. Amiens' Cathedral is another masterpiece worth visiting, and the place where Saint Martin divided his cape, I finally found--at the Palais de Justice...
✍️ 6. Reims--I need to go back …More
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2019 Easter Collage: Visit to Trier, Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp, Brugges, Amiens & Reims
✍️ Amiens and St. Fermin
Saint Fermin is a holy man and martyr, traditionally venerated as the patron saint of Amiens . He is represented in a number of major works of art in Amiens Cathedral.
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✍️ Heilig-Blut-Basilika, Belgien ✍️ The Procession of the Holy Blood 2019, Bruges, Belgium
The Basilica of the Holy Blood (Basiliek van het Heilig Bloed) is a 12th century chapel, in the medieval town ofBruges, Belgium, which houses a revered vial containing cloth stained with the actual blood of Christ. Or so it is believed.
✍️ The Ghent Altarpiece is a very large and complex 15th-century polyptych altarpiece in St Bavo's Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium. It was begun c. the mid-1420.
✍️ Saint Matthias - May 14 and Trier, Germany
Trier Cathedral and St. Matthias
✍️ The Bank Director Jerome Jaegen fought against the dependence on material possessions in the interest of piety and human dignity.
Siervo de Dios Jerónimo Jaegen - el 26 de enero
Vered Lavan 👍 THANKS!