Archbishop Viganò defends Cardinal Müller and his Great Reset critique

Viganò comments on those considered by the 'globalist Sanhedrin' to be heretics, 'unworthy to ask questions about the new dogmas of the health religion defined ex cathedra by the experts in the pay of …More
Viganò comments on those considered by the 'globalist Sanhedrin' to be heretics, 'unworthy to ask questions about the new dogmas of the health religion defined ex cathedra by the experts in the pay of BigPharma.'
After Cardinal Gerhard Müller gave Catholic activist Alexander Tschugguel a thoughtful and good interview concerning the coronavirus lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and especially the dangerous and anti-democratic agenda of the Great Reset, he came under strong attacks in Germany. Both state and faith leaders rebuked him for purportedly spreading “conspiracy theories” and even “anti-semitic codes,” because he mentioned George Soros as one of the globalists whose worldview he is rejecting.
LifeSite reached out to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, whose strong position against the Great Reset is well-known, asking him whether he would like to comment on the strong reaction against Cardinal Müller’s reasonable critique of the current political developments which seem to use the health …More
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