Pop Star Demi Lovato cuts hair to 'free' herself from gender
As if hair length has anything to do with gender. Audrey Hepburn was rockin' attractive feminine short hair forty years before Demi was even born.
Roberto 55
She free herself from brain and needs psychiatrist.
Hound of Heaven
This is a troubled child of God. She needs our prayers rather than more attention.
why is this garbage on a Catholic web site? please let's not give this narcissist any more attention.
Defeat Modernism
When man rejects Christ, he loses all sense of beauty, truth, and love. This is a disgrace. It is embarrassing - she should be ashamed of herself. Poor soul that needs prayer. This is what godless, faithless people have - nothing but confusion, immorality, despair, and utter foolishness.
"This is what godless, faithless people have - nothing but confusion, immorality, despair, and utter foolishness." So what's your excuse? After all, you're the self-described Catholic traditionalist. :P
Defeat Modernism
It is you liberal 'catholics' that are the confused ones, not the ones who follow what the Church has always taught in the same meaning and same explanation. Your the modernist heretic that believes truth changes, not me.
" Your the modernist heretic that believes truth changes, not me."
ORLY? ;-) The Church has taught for centuries the Pope is infallible when canonizing saints. The Church canonized Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa of Calcutta. You choose to call them "heretics"
You are contradicting the Pope on a matter of faith and morals when he does speak infallibly. When Catholic truth says something …More
" Your the modernist heretic that believes truth changes, not me."

ORLY? ;-) The Church has taught for centuries the Pope is infallible when canonizing saints. The Church canonized Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa of Calcutta. You choose to call them "heretics"

You are contradicting the Pope on a matter of faith and morals when he does speak infallibly. When Catholic truth says something you don't like, you change it by simply ignoring it. Or you change it outright by re-wording it or re-interpreting what it originally said as you do with the Council of Trent.

"not the ones who follow what the Church has always taught in the same meaning and same explanation."

which doesn't include you since you ignore the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas (and St. Antoninus) on Papal infallibility regarding canonizations.

. I'm more of a traditionalist than you'll ever be. Protip: I'm not a "liberal" either, chum. ;-)
Hugh N. Cry
Would’ve been a bigger braver statement if she would have cut it in some sort of horseshoe male pattern baldness style.