To the brothers, If we pray the Holy Rosary with kneeling, fasting and warmth , the Bishop of the Holy Tradition, Bernard Fellay , will be the greatest pontiff and the next Pope of our Holy Catholic …More
To the brothers,
If we pray the Holy Rosary with kneeling, fasting and warmth , the Bishop of the Holy Tradition, Bernard Fellay , will be the greatest pontiff and the next Pope of our Holy Catholic Church, who in his time will crush Satanic Freemasonry under his feet.
And he will clean and expel from our church the traitorous Masonic Cardinals agents in the front head Member of the Infernal Freemason Rotary Club Jorge Bergo
lio , and he will abolish The infernal heretical Second Vatican Council
Please help me brethren. I recognized that Bishop Bergoglio is not the Vicar of Christ. However, in what do you base your assertion that Most Reverend Bishop Bernard Fellay will be the next Pope after Benedict?