
Traditionis Custodes: Schneider Contradicts Zen

Traditionis custodes is not only about regulating the Roman Mass but wants it to disappear, Cardinal Joseph Zen said in an online discussion (here and below, August 9).

However, Zen doubts that Francis is “fully aware” of this, and blames “the [famous] people around him.” He believes that the initiative for TC came from the "Roman Curia," especially Cardinal Parolin. Zen would like to ask Francis what he thinks about this “big attack” on the Mass.

Bishop Schneider replied to Zen in the same conference that this is a document of Francis and it is published with his signature with a personal accompanying letter, "We have to accept that it is a document of the Pope.”

For Schneider it is not helpful to speculate about Francis' alleged advisers. Instead, Schneider expresses concern about the content of TC. He believes that TC’s categorical rejection of the Roman Rite is a rejection of Tradition itself, stressing that Francis welcomes a "diversity of religions" although there is only one religion - the Church - willed by God, while at the same time he rejects a liturgical diversity within the Church.

"Already inside the New Mass there is a diversity of manners of celebrations," Schneider said, while the New York historian John Rao added that there is not one New Mass Rite “but 1000 rites, a million different kinds of NO Rites, a different rite in every church.”


Dr Bobus
Francis' advisors were appointed by Francis
I think Card. Zen was being charitable, and trying to relieve Bergoglio of the responsibility for Traditionis Destructores.
Dr Bobus
Charitable? Or political?