Which glory are you looking for? Which glory are you looking for? Sunday May 15 V of Easter Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus, in the passage from the Gospel of John that we’re going to listen to next …More
Which glory are you looking for?

Which glory are you looking for?
Sunday May 15 V of Easter

Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus, in the passage from the Gospel of John that we’re going to listen to next Sunday, May 15, reveals to us the secret of true glory. Not the glory which comes from the world which lasts an instant and which leaves only a trail of bitterness and disappointment, but the glory that "explodes" into an eternity of joy and that comes from God. A glory that God wants to shine even right here and right now in our earthly life, provided, that we allow ourselves to be "invaded" by the boundless ocean of His divine love and let that His love may reach, through us, even to the most distant geographical and existential peripheries of the earth.