In a new document released this week [2018], the Vatican asks those in charge of the economy to consider humans not just dollars and euros. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) published Oeconomicae et pecuniariae quaestiones: Considerations for an Ethical Discernment Regarding Some Aspects of the Present Economic-Financial System. The document has many details for specialists, but …More
In a new document released this week [2018], the Vatican asks those in charge of the economy to consider humans not just dollars and euros. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) published Oeconomicae et pecuniariae quaestiones: Considerations for an Ethical Discernment Regarding Some Aspects of the Present Economic-Financial System. The document has many details for specialists, but I will focus on a few paragraphs relevant to us all. These paragraphs point out several truths. They show a person is more than an economic producer and consumer. They develop our understanding of how our actions always imply a vision of man and we shouldn’t reduce man just to economics.

Vatican: Economy Made for Man, Not Man for the Economy

In a new document released this week, the Vatican asks those in charge of the economy to consider humans not just dollars and euros. The Congregation …
Maybe they should have taken their own advice concerning the Vatican Bank, and it's corrupted vision and practices.
John A Cassani
As long as politicians and central bankers control the economy, there is no way that men are ever going to represent more than numbers on a financial statement. And, as long as there is a bias against the production of energy by carbon based fuels (“renewables” are nowhere close to being able to provide for the energy needs of the earth’s population), humans are going to be judged as net liabilities …More
As long as politicians and central bankers control the economy, there is no way that men are ever going to represent more than numbers on a financial statement. And, as long as there is a bias against the production of energy by carbon based fuels (“renewables” are nowhere close to being able to provide for the energy needs of the earth’s population), humans are going to be judged as net liabilities by the elites. The Vatican would be well advised to stick to making proclamations on settled issues. On economics, there are very few true “solutions,” but only tradeoffs. If they accept that the bad guys are in charge, then nothing they say has merit.