
Does hell exist? Clara’s vision of Annette in Hell

Anette, she was the victim of an auto accident was buried yesterday at Wald-Friedhof. Clara was frightened since she knew her friend was not very religious. Was she prepared to appear before God? Dying suddenly, what had happened to her? The next day she attended Mass, received Holy Communion, and prayed fervently for her friend.The following night, at ten minutes after midnight, the vision took place . Clara, do not pray for me! If I tell you this and speak at length about it, do not think it is because of our friendship.

I do this as under constraint. I do this as under constraint. In truth, I should like to see you too come to this state where I must remain forever.” Here we do not acknowledge any good in anybody.”

“I refer to prayer, Mass, religious instruction, holy water, church with a very strong repugnance. I hate all that, as I hate those who go to church, and in general every human being and everything.”

“Do you hear? ''We do not eat, we do not sleep, we do not walk. “Do you hear? '' We here drink hatred like water. “Do you now understand why hell lasts forever? Our obstinacy will never leave us.” We died with willful resolve to be separated from God.”
- Clara’s vision of Annette in Hell – TESTIMONY

- Clara a Annette - skutočná udalosť- SK
- Does hell exist? Clara’s vision of Annette in Hell - Germany

St. Faustina is only one saint among many who had visions of hell.
She needs to be read by priests, as well as the laity. Some snippets:
Some snippets: “I, Sister Faustina Kowalska, by the order of God, have visited the Abysses of Hell so that I might tell souls about it and testify to its existence…the devils were full of hatred for me, but they had to obey me at the command of God, What I have written is but a pale shadow of the things I saw.

But I noticed one thing: That most of the souls there are those who disbelieved that there is a hell.”
(Diary 741)Today, I was led by an angel to the Chasms of Hell.

It is a place of great torture;

how awesomely large and extensive it is! The kinds of tortures I saw:

The First Torture that constitutes hell is: The loss of God.
The Second is: Perpetual remorse of conscience.
The Third is : That one's condition will never change.
The Fourth is: The fire that will penetrate the soul without destroying it. A terrible suffering since it is a purely spiritual fire, lit by God's anger. The Fifth Torture is: Continual darkness and a terrible suffocating smell, and despite the darkness, the devils and the souls of the damned see each other and all the evil, both of others and their own.
The Sixth Torture is: The constant company of Satan .
The Seventh Torture is: Horrible despair, hatred of God, vile words, curses and blasphemies…

There are special Tortures destined for particular souls. These are the torments of the senses . Each soul undergoes terrible and indescribable sufferings related to the manner in which it has sinned…Let the sinner know that he will be tortured throughout all eternity, in those senses which he made use of to sin. I am writing this at the command of God, so that no soul may find an excuse by saying there is no hell, or that nobody has ever been there, and so no one can say what it is like…how terribly souls suffer there! Consequently, I pray even more fervently for the conversion of sinners. I incessantly plead God's mercy upon them. O My Jesus, I would rather be in agony until the end of the world, amidst the greatest sufferings, than offend you by the least sin.” (Diary 741)

Pray for infused sorrow for souls that will be lost if there is no one to pray for them. Have Masses said for the living as well as the dead. Fast and pray for lost souls. We do not want anyone to go to hell. Read more:

Saint Veronica Giuliani had various visions of the Inferno (Hell)

Stories of Seeing Heaven, Purgatory, and hell | Medjugorje: Apparitions of the Virgin Mary Queen of Peace

Does Hell Exist?
What Jesus Really Said About Heaven and Hell. Yes, Scripture confirms that Hell is real and Jesus preaches on hell several times in his parables and sermons. With that in mind, let’s explore what Scripture has to say about hell.
In this article, we’ll explore the nature of hell, what it looks like, what Scripture has to say about this place, and why we should know about hell as Christians.

If God is merciful, why does hell exist?
f God is such a merciful and loving God, why would the afterlife include such a tragic place as hell where we are separated from Him for all eternity?

It can be hard to reconcile these two concepts, but the truth is that whether or not we go to hell is more our choice than it is God’s. As Sacred Scripture is clear to point out, God will not send us to heaven against our will because He respects our free will too much.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says of this in paragraph 1033: “We cannot be united with God unless we freely choose to love Him. But we cannot love God if we sin gravely against Him, against our neighbor, or against ourselves.

‘He who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.’
“Our Lord warns us that we shall be separated from Him if we fail to meet the serious needs of the poor and the little ones who are His brethren. To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God’s merciful love means remaining separated from Him forever by our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called, ‘hell.’”

The very existence of hell is the epitome of what it means for a soul to choose God.

Jesus Christ gave His life for the redemption of our souls. What is His sacrifice worth if we were to automatically go to heaven anyway?