Pelosi’s Support for Abortion Tells a Larger Story

Photo ~ Video Now, consider simple demographics: Nearly 25 percent of Americans, 75 million people, consider themselves Catholic. According to the Catholic News Service, Catholics are still the largest …More
Photo ~ Video
Now, consider simple demographics: Nearly 25 percent of Americans, 75 million people, consider themselves Catholic. According to the Catholic News Service, Catholics are still the largest single denomination in Congress, and have been such since 1960. In 2013, 163 members of Congress are Catholics, with 136 in the House of Representatives (75 Democrats, 61 Republicans) and 27 in the Senate (18 Democrats, 9 Republicans). Six of the nine justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are Catholics. Add to this group the influential Catholics across society: judges, doctors, state legislators, county councilmen, etc.
On top of this heap sits Madame Pelosi, certainly one of the most powerful Catholic politician in America. But then there is also House Speaker John Boehner. In other words, nine of the most politically and legally powerful Americans are Catholics. The political arithmetic here alone leads to an ineluctable conclusion: If they all conducted themselves as faithful Catholics …More
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