Gloria.TV News on the 21st of June 2013 To watch all the news click here: @Gloria.TV News Vatican During his catechesis at the Wednesday general audience, Pope Francis urged for Christian unity. …More
Gloria.TV News on the 21st of June 2013
To watch all the news click here: @Gloria.TV News
During his catechesis at the Wednesday general audience, Pope Francis urged for Christian unity. Speaking extemporaneously, he added: I will tell you something: today, before leaving the House, I spent forty minutes, more or less, half an hour, with an Evangelical pastor and we prayed together, and sought unity.” But the pope remained realistic: “But how will we have unity among Christians if we aren't capable of having it among us Catholics?” Gloria.tv hopes that Pope Francis will seek Catholic unity among German bishops who promote teaching that is in direct opposition to Catholic moral regarding their advocacy of the morning-after pill.
On June 13, the Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi was asked in a press briefing the question: "What is the moral difference between what Dr. Gosnell did to a baby born alive at 23 weeks and aborting her moments before …More
Lucia your beautiful in pink!!! 😘
I mentioned bishop of Boston
His first name should be Bernard
Bernard Francis Law (born November 4, 1931) is an American cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.
Don't know how that got posted twice... With regards to the sisters of NotreDame in Cleveland..they are only one amongst so many other dissident, pro homosexual, pro-choice orders. They have Sisters of St. Joseph, the Ursulines, etc...all hell-bent in their quest to continue destroying any vestige of true Catholicism, be it in the Church or the schools! Truly evil
The pope needs to Take Action with these self-acclaiming "catholics" and give them a ultimatum. Once and for all! He should make their bishops do this A.S.A.P!!! Then he can offer the traditional Latin Mass!
Sister Susan Clark from the Sisters of Notre Dame has been told by her superior that she must stop being a member and the music director of the breakaway Community of St. Peter on the territory of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. The Community of St. Peter formed three years ago after Bishop Richard Lennon closed the St. Peter Catholic Church in downtown Cleveland as part of a diocese-wide downsizing …More
Sister Susan Clark from the Sisters of Notre Dame has been told by her superior that she must stop being a member and the music director of the breakaway Community of St. Peter on the territory of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. The Community of St. Peter formed three years ago after Bishop Richard Lennon closed the St. Peter Catholic Church in downtown Cleveland as part of a diocese-wide downsizing. Sister Susan had been the music director for the St. Peter's congregation for many years. In 2010 she moved with 300 parishioners and the Rev. Robert Marrone to a worship space in a renovated warehouse on Cleveland's East Side.

Who is bishop Richard Lennon?
How he is related to bishop Richard Law who closed, sold 100 churches in Boston?
How many churches Richard Lennon has closed so far?
78 including mentioned St Peter's Church downtown Cleveland?
No wonder priests breakaway from such bishops like Richard Law and Richard Lennon.
Vatican has ordered 11 or 13 churches to be reopened.
It shows no confidence vote for bishop Richard Lennon.

Sister Susan Clark from the Sisters of Notre Dame may return to St Peter's Church in Cleveland but I am sorry for those who will get removed bishop Richard Lennon from Cleveland.
Where will he go?
Where did bishop Richard Law go when he was removed from Boston?
Holy Cannoli
The chances of that happening are slim to none unless Pope Francis and local bishops have some radical plans for reform. Pelosi et al will keep doing what they've been doing with impunity all the while gathering tens of millions of votes from Catholics.
Holy Cannoli
Fr. Frank Pavone is a tireless advocate for the unborn but what good will his letter do? Will Nancy Pelosi now say, “Yes, you are absolutely correct, Fr. Pavone. As a practicing Catholic, I will not support abortion any longer.”
Hell will freeze before that happens.
Here's how to get results.
Pope Francis has spoken publicly about unity among Catholics, so then, why does he not urge Pelosi's bishop …More
Fr. Frank Pavone is a tireless advocate for the unborn but what good will his letter do? Will Nancy Pelosi now say, “Yes, you are absolutely correct, Fr. Pavone. As a practicing Catholic, I will not support abortion any longer.”

Hell will freeze before that happens.

Here's how to get results.

Pope Francis has spoken publicly about unity among Catholics, so then, why does he not urge Pelosi's bishop, Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco and Cardinal Donald W. Wurel of Washington, D.C., to take decesive remedial action against the scandal that this women has given and currently still gives to the entire church. She either reforms and retracts or she is excommunicated as per Canon 915 . This will send a 'shock wave' through the entire assembly of Catholic politicians in Washington and elsewhere...that they could be next.

It's about time that these phonies started being Catholic and not simply use the label "Catholic" in order to gather votes from poorly catechized Catholics who don't know any better.


I wonder what the changes are something like that will happen?


Thanks for the news, Lucia.
You look lovely today.

Bravo Lucia. 👏
A quella Pelosi fuss ei da trer ora tut la pelegna. 🤬
Thank you, Luchinka. 🤗