Das ist so cool? Nein: What a bore ..

Photo ~ Dompfarrer Toni Faber musste für sechs Tage ins Krankenhaus - den "Sister Act" im Stephansdom lies er sich aber nicht entgehen (© Sabine Hertel) Sister Act im Stephansdom (Vienna) "A pleasant …More
Photo ~ Dompfarrer Toni Faber musste für sechs Tage ins Krankenhaus - den "Sister Act" im Stephansdom lies er sich aber nicht entgehen (© Sabine Hertel)
Sister Act im Stephansdom (Vienna)
"A pleasant introduction to religious life"
In the audience was also Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn. He came to see his brother Michael on stage, where he played a monsignor. "I'm really proud of him," the Cardinal revealed.
Michael Schönborn
Sister Act was "a wonderfully cheerful piece," says Cardinal Christoph Schönborn. He had no documentary on the life expected in a religious order, "but it is a pleasant introduction to the monastic life." He thought the play was a likeable advertising for religious life.
When will they learn to take the secular out of the sacred? Vaudeville has its place, and I suppose I enjoy musicals as much as anyone. But the divine liturgy is not vaudeville, and a cathedral is not a public music hall. The modern church is dying of …More
I agree with you lukedaniel. 😌
No es cuestion de rito (Esto que aquí vemos no está permitido ni en el Novus Ordo) Ésta es cuestión de respeto a la institución, al templo, a la sensibilidad de los creyentes, a la historia, a la cultura, es cuestión de respeto a DIOS. Lo del César al César: ¿No hay salas de teatro ni centros de espectáculos en Viena? Lo de Dios a Dios: y esto es una blasfemia, un sacrilegio a DIOS, a la Iglesia …More
No es cuestion de rito (Esto que aquí vemos no está permitido ni en el Novus Ordo) Ésta es cuestión de respeto a la institución, al templo, a la sensibilidad de los creyentes, a la historia, a la cultura, es cuestión de respeto a DIOS. Lo del César al César: ¿No hay salas de teatro ni centros de espectáculos en Viena? Lo de Dios a Dios: y esto es una blasfemia, un sacrilegio a DIOS, a la Iglesia, al sacerdocio que por tipos como éste ha perdido dignidad y credibilidad. ¡BASTA!
Sickening...proud of his rainbow stole huh? How can people go to a novus ordo church and receive communion from these sodomites? Just brings back what Cardinal Arinze said, "Today one can question whether the mass is truly valid" Stop putting your soul in jeopardy people, attend the True Mass! ...the traditional Latin Mass!!
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Parish Priest Anton (Toni) Faber is no stranger to Gloria.TV.
Neither is the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna, Christoph Schönborn.More
Parish Priest Anton (Toni) Faber is no stranger to Gloria.TV.

Neither is the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna, Christoph Schönborn.