Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of June 2016 We Are All Stupid: After the shooting in the homosex nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Jesuit Father Brian Linnane, the president of Loyola University Maryland, …More
Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of June 2016

We Are All Stupid: After the shooting in the homosex nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Jesuit Father Brian Linnane, the president of Loyola University Maryland, told students and staff “today we are all GLBTQ+”.

Cooperation in Evil: The Lepanto Institute has discovered a joint letter signed by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Relief Services that requested that Congress provide vast amounts of money to the two agencies USAID and PEPFAR which are committed to the distribution of abortifacient contraception and condoms.

Rich and Dead: The archdiocese of Munich headed by the ultraliberal Cardinal Marx owns assets of at least 5,5 billion Euros. Each year the archdiocese receives 570 Million Euro in church tax. In terms of faith and morals it is dead.

Church of the Islam: The Melkite Greek-Catholic Church opened a general synod in Aïn Trez in a tense climate. Ten bishops ask for the resignation of 83-year-old Patriarch Grégoire III. They accuse him of financial mismanagement. In his opening speech Grégoire appealed for dialogue and charity. He also asked to never dissociate in the region the future of the Christians and Moslems. Quote: “We are the Church of the Arabs and the Church of the Islam.”
Uncle Joe
Church of Islam

Rebel Bishops claim that Gregory III has squandered the wealth of the Greek-catholic Church. Who knows? But, we do know that Gregory III believes that Christians in the Middle East must stand up for Muslims. “We, the Arab Christians, always defend Islam and our Muslim brothers – no one defends Islam like the Arab Christians do.”
Melkites have to survive in a sea of Arab …More
Church of Islam

Rebel Bishops claim that Gregory III has squandered the wealth of the Greek-catholic Church. Who knows? But, we do know that Gregory III believes that Christians in the Middle East must stand up for Muslims. “We, the Arab Christians, always defend Islam and our Muslim brothers – no one defends Islam like the Arab Christians do.”


Melkites have to survive in a sea of Arab intolerance & savagery. Their prelate is practicing survival tactics, hoping the savages will leave him & his people alone.

Note on feeding the alligator in hopes that he does not eat you: It ends with HIM EATING YOU ANYWAY!!!
Uncle Joe
Very good news articles today. 👌
No! we are not all "GLBTQXYZ”. Without clarity, even general statements about solidarity with the “LGBTQ community” from Catholic college leaders could lead students to misunderstand the message. Such statements may appear to “recognize and tacitly endorse the sexual identities promoted by the LGBT Community — identities bound up fundamentally with the gender …More
Very good news articles today. 👌

No! we are not all "GLBTQXYZ”. Without clarity, even general statements about solidarity with the “LGBTQ community” from Catholic college leaders could lead students to misunderstand the message. Such statements may appear to “recognize and tacitly endorse the sexual identities promoted by the LGBT Community — identities bound up fundamentally with the gender ideology promoted by the Community,” as Elliot Milco writes at First Things this week:
"There can be no question … that at present the label “LGBT” and its components represent more than simply a fact about the dispositions, lifestyles, or biologies of various individuals. They represent a highly developed political and anthropological ideology, which makes hard claims about human nature and desire, morality, the structure of the family, and the proper use of bodies."
