la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio and his accomplices like James Martin and McElroy are maliciously confirming homosexuals in the vice against nature, preventing them from getting out of sin: so that they commit the serious sin of impenitence (the refusal to repent and leave the sin) and obstinacy in evil (the reiteration of the purpose of continuing to sin). Without repentance there is no salvation. And this is how …More
Bergoglio and his accomplices like James Martin and McElroy are maliciously confirming homosexuals in the vice against nature, preventing them from getting out of sin: so that they commit the serious sin of impenitence (the refusal to repent and leave the sin) and obstinacy in evil (the reiteration of the purpose of continuing to sin). Without repentance there is no salvation. And this is how Bergoglio and his satanic sect take these wretches to Hell who support him in his rebellion against the Laws of God. Instead of procuring the repentance of homosexuals, Bergoglio defying the Laws of God confirms these wretched in their rebellion against God, affirming them in a gay pseudo-identity contrary to the Divine Natural Law so that they commit the sin of final impenitence and so they are lost forever. Instead of abandoning the Sin, Bergoglio with his diabolical anti-doctrine continues to incite them to continue sinning and commit the sin of apostasy and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio e i suoi complici come James Martin e McElroy stanno maliziosamente confermando gli omosessuali nel vizio contro natura, impedendo loro di uscire dal peccato: così che commettono il grave peccato di impenitenza (il rifiuto di pentirsi e abbandonare il peccato) e di ostinazione nel male (la reiterazione dello scopo di continuare a peccare). Senza pentimento non c'è salvezza. Ed è così …More
Bergoglio e i suoi complici come James Martin e McElroy stanno maliziosamente confermando gli omosessuali nel vizio contro natura, impedendo loro di uscire dal peccato: così che commettono il grave peccato di impenitenza (il rifiuto di pentirsi e abbandonare il peccato) e di ostinazione nel male (la reiterazione dello scopo di continuare a peccare). Senza pentimento non c'è salvezza. Ed è così che Bergoglio e la sua setta satanica portano all'Inferno questi disgraziati che lo sostengono nella sua ribellione alle Leggi di Dio. Invece di procurare il pentimento degli omosessuali, Bergoglio sfidando le Leggi di Dio conferma questi miserabili nella loro ribellione a Dio, affermandoli in una pseudo-identità gay contraria alla Divina Legge Naturale affinché commettano il peccato di impenitenza finale e così siano perso per sempre. Invece di abbandonare il Peccato, Bergoglio con la sua diabolica antidottrina continua a incitarli a continuare a peccare ea commettere il peccato di apostasia e bestemmia contro lo Spirito Santo.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio partners with anti-Catholic industry ProGay Disney to produce a documentary against Catholic doctrine that challenges Divine Natural Law.
Caution Bergoglio AKA Francis Speaks:
⚠️💀 Christopher Lamb on Twitter: "#PopeFrancis: those using the Bible to promote hate speech & exclude gay or transexual Catholics are “infiltrators” taking advantage of the Church to promote their ideologies. …More
Bergoglio partners with anti-Catholic industry ProGay Disney to produce a documentary against Catholic doctrine that challenges Divine Natural Law.

Caution Bergoglio AKA Francis Speaks:
⚠️💀 Christopher Lamb on Twitter: "#PopeFrancis: those using the Bible to promote hate speech & exclude gay or transexual Catholics are “infiltrators” taking advantage of the Church to promote their ideologies. Francis was speaking to young people during a @DisneyPlus documentary. Francis: 'infiltrators' use Church to peddle hate" / Twitter⚠️

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, [fornicators] nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, [effeminate nor sodomites.] ...will inherit the kingdom of God.

Galatians 1:9 As we have said before, so now I repeat, if anyone proclaims to you a gospel contrary to what you received, let that one be accursed!
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Bergoglio has turned Rome into the Headquarters of the Antichrist
Peter’s Pence Donations Used to Fund Explicit Gay Biopic about LGBT activist Elton John
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Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Noone should call Bergoglio "Holy" anything. But some people who post here...Son of the...... etc. would still go down of their knees and call him "Holy Father". So would little Raymond Cardinal Burke.
Birds of a feather stick together.
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I feel much sicker than that even,
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