Praying for everyone struggling with same-sex attractions
Ave Crux
This is something that seems rather simple to me, and I don't mean to judge, I simply don't understand. Either you renounce the defilement and bondage of impurity and all mortal sin, and have fervent recourse to the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion and other spiritual weapons, such as prayer and spiritual reading, and God will reward your sincere efforts with deliverance. . . . Or you …More
This is something that seems rather simple to me, and I don't mean to judge, I simply don't understand. Either you renounce the defilement and bondage of impurity and all mortal sin, and have fervent recourse to the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion and other spiritual weapons, such as prayer and spiritual reading, and God will reward your sincere efforts with deliverance. . . . Or you continue to dally with disordered passions and let them have their way with you as their pitiful plaything.

That's slavery.....WHY live that way? Despise depravity and make a clean break with ANYTHING that is not God's Will for you.

Otherwise it's to live in agony and bondage each and every day of your life. Our Lord's yoke is sweet and His burden light. We make our own torture chambers on this earth.
Ultimately you are right, of course, It's great to live in a spiritual "ivory tower", but don't you see that the vast majority of people are still walking around in the muddy streets and have never seen what you have seen, and do not understand what you understand?
To one who has not lived in the light, the darkness may offer the only consolations and pleasures the person has any …More
Ultimately you are right, of course, It's great to live in a spiritual "ivory tower", but don't you see that the vast majority of people are still walking around in the muddy streets and have never seen what you have seen, and do not understand what you understand?

To one who has not lived in the light, the darkness may offer the only consolations and pleasures the person has any understanding of. And yes, I mean even the baptized, who never matured in faith.

For one whose conscience has been seared as with a hot iron, the eye grows dark, and that darkness is so great that they do not even understand that they are not in the light.

Then, when by the grace of God the person begins to awaken to the truth of their error, to awaken to the fact that there's some possibility that they really might spend eternity in some kind of "hell", the damage that has been done is extraordinary, and, barring miraculous divine intervention, takes a lot of work and time to undo.

A person can become so disordered by sin that even what seems like the simplest thing of understanding right from wrong has to be relearned (or learned) and developed. One cannot despise depravity without understanding plainly what is depraved (or even what "depravity" is).

As I said, I agree that you are right, there is ultimately the choice of renouncing sin or continuing to dally with disordered passions. But there are lots and lots of people, called by God, striving on or toward the path to Eternal Life, who cannot yet see that truth in its simplicity. And they struggle, and our prayers can help them.
Ave Crux
@occasnltrvlr I am not talking about the "unchurched" or those still deep in the grips of moral, spiritual darkness whom you describe so beautifully and truthfully and with which words I am in full accord. In fact, I live my whole life of sacrifice in response to the message of Fatima for these other precious souls -- the "unchurched" -- such as I once was "in my youth", so they can receive all the …More
@occasnltrvlr I am not talking about the "unchurched" or those still deep in the grips of moral, spiritual darkness whom you describe so beautifully and truthfully and with which words I am in full accord. In fact, I live my whole life of sacrifice in response to the message of Fatima for these other precious souls -- the "unchurched" -- such as I once was "in my youth", so they can receive all the graces I once received when I was far from God and the Church and the only way back to sanity was to do violence to myself.

In my comment here above, though, I am talking about the ones who see clearly enough to ask "which Saints they could pray to" against this disordered attraction. For those with sense -- and Faith enough -- to ask that question, it's time for the break with sin altogether by a concerted effort to renounce it as vile and ruinous to one's own happiness.

P.S. and that often requires the painful penance, renunciation and the complete redirection of one's life and the spurning of every occasion of sin....i.e. doing violence to oneself...that you allude to as well. There's no other way to purify our fallen nature....with God's grace.
Amend your lives and pray the Rosary every day.
You can simply DECIDE not to look at people as objects of your own sexual pleasure. St Thomas Aquinas would be a good help too.
Saint Peter Damian.