Pierre Henri
Dr. Simon Goddek @goddeketal Until the 1970, the majority of the people were fit as a fiddle! No keto, vegan, or paleo diets. No home aerobics or gym memberships. No fancy fitness tech or wellness …More
Dr. Simon Goddek

Until the 1970, the majority of the people were fit as a fiddle! No keto, vegan, or paleo diets. No home aerobics or gym memberships. No fancy fitness tech or wellness influencers. They also weren't drinking protein shakes or counting calories. So, what went wrong?
#1 Medication. In the 1970s, the average American spent 10 times less on prescription drugs than now. Contrary to popular belief, people in Western countries are also compelled to take potentially lethal drugs. Instead of addressing root causes, end-of-pipe solutions are applied.
#2 Demonization of Saturated Fats. Since the 60s, it's been claimed that saturated fats cause heart attacks. Although we've been nourished by lard & butter for thousands of years, these good fats were replaced with inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. "Trust the science," they said!
#3 Dietary Poisoning. Processed foods are abundant. Omega-6-rich seed oils and sugars are found in almost everything, an awful combination that …More
I think we are being changed metabolically and even our DNA is being toyed with. If you look at people who are significantly overweight, the fat is a different kind of fat than years ago or at least that's what it seems to me. Overweight bodies look different nowadays then those of overweight people overweight years ago. We also need to practice portion control and limit snacking. Carbs are not the …More
I think we are being changed metabolically and even our DNA is being toyed with. If you look at people who are significantly overweight, the fat is a different kind of fat than years ago or at least that's what it seems to me. Overweight bodies look different nowadays then those of overweight people overweight years ago. We also need to practice portion control and limit snacking. Carbs are not the enemy. We need carbs, but in moderation. We need to develop and employ virtue. Temperance and moderation are absolutely necessary. We also need to stop being so food and body obsessed.