383. Who is poor?

Who are the poor in the Church? Whom should we give to? And most importantly, what do we have to offer?

James allows us to think about it. He talks about what he sees in his time:
“You pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say, ‘Sit here, please,’ while you say to the poor one, ‘Stand there,’ or ‘Sit at my feet.’” James, chapter 2, verse 3

There should always be a constant concern for the poor and the poverty of these people would be almost non-existent. It takes a little discernment and charity to help them. Helping a poor person takes a little time. Valuing it can lead to being much better in society.

But also, some poorly-minded people are causing further poverty to other poor people. They use what is sent to the poor to provide themselves with wealth. Although rarer, there are some who stockpile money, live in well-off apartments, do not work and benefit from others, who are poorer.

This may seem simple, but in practice it isn’t guaranteed to be continually close to the poorest. Or we do not know how to join them or we have few human resources when we take care of them, one person at a time. The task may seem too broad.

We can take them to centres where people can really take care of them and give them some dignity. These people would do them good. That said, if we don’t feel the ability to help them. We are, nevertheless, called to remain attentive to them.

If not, let’s learn and lead others to Jesus who will develop the charism of charity for these particular people.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Caring for our poverties, Normand Thomas