
Steve Bannon: Francis Is “Global Adversary“ of Donald Trump

The “conservative” Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s short-time chief strategist, met the French gay-propagandist and socialist Frédéric Martel for lunch in the Roman Hotel Bristol.

During their meeting, they also talked about Pope Francis, Martel told LiberoQuotidiano.it (June 30).

Bannon explained that there is a need to fight the European Union, mass-immigration, Cuban and Venezoelean “communism”, China and Islam, “For these reasons one must also oppose Pope Francis.”

Bannon accuses Francis of being an ally of the globalized establishment and its ecologist positions, “He is not even center-left anymore, is of the extreme left.”

For Bannon “Francis is the global adversary of Donald Trump.”

Bannon intends using homosexual scandals to undermine the stability of Francis’ papacy.

Picture: Steve Bannon, © Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA, #newsEavxaenghx