FSSPX - Doubts about the validity of ordinations in Ecône On July 1, 2021, Bishop Bernard Fellay administered the priestly ordinations in Ecône, Switzerland, on behalf of the FSSPX (Fraternité Sacerdotale …More
FSSPX - Doubts about the validity of ordinations in Ecône

On July 1, 2021, Bishop Bernard Fellay administered the priestly ordinations in Ecône, Switzerland, on behalf of the FSSPX (Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint Pie X). 50 years after the first ordinations conferred by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1971, 2021 is the lowest year in terms of ordination, for young people fully formed in the seminary, with only 2 priestly ordinations. What does this fall, never before attained in priestly vocations at the SSPX, mean?

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has almost disappeared
Young men who wish to respond to the call of Our Lord Jesus Christ with the total gift of their person want to have the certainty of their priesthood. More than 50 years after the invalidation of the sacraments by the modernists, the Holy Mass has almost ceased to be offered to God, “Troops will come at his command; they will profane the sanctuary, the fortress, they will put an end to the perpetual sacrifice, and will raise up the abomination of desolation ”(Daniel 11:31). To rebuild the Church as an institution of the salvation of souls, sterile branches are of no use and must be rejected. Young people attracted to a vocation are no longer easily deceived by the serious theological errors taught in neo-traditionalist seminaries from Ecône: FSSPX - FSSP - IBP - Avrillé - IMBC - Most Holy Trinity (Dolan-Sanborn / USA). All theology is affected, dogmatic, moral and with even more consequences for the faithful: sacramental theology. With tutiorism, the certainty as to the validity of the sacraments, the Church has preserved the sacraments, effective signs of grace instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ, despite the innumerable attacks of heretics over the centuries.

The sacraments do not tolerate doubt
Catholics should make sure they receive the sacraments:
-1 / valid (by order),
-2 / lawful (by the jurisdiction),

under penalty of leaving the Church.
Unfortunately and in a practical way, the tutiorist doctrine, "to the point of safety", for the sacraments has been abandoned in the seminaries in order to mask the vices which affect them from their origin. "It is not illegal to confer sacraments to follow a probable opinion concerning the value of the sacrament, the more certain opinion being abandoned" (proposition condemned, Pope Innocent XI).

Heretical position of the SSPX in matters of the sacraments
“With regard to the priesthood, we have always said, and we maintain, that when a bishop confers the sacrament of the priesthood, even according to the new ritual, observing the prescriptions of the ritual, especially if it is stated in Latin, the sacrament is a priori valid. And to complete, we affirm following Monsignor Lefebvre, that the same goes for episcopal consecration. […] We must stress the probability of the validity of an ordination […]. The faithful, for their part, should start from the a priori principle that these priests are validly ordained because the invalidity of ordination remains an exception. They will therefore have to consider that an ordination, even a modern one, is valid. "Bishop Bernard Fellay, Donec Ponam website - 03/25/2007, admits the heresy of the sacramental probabilism of the SSPX with regard to priestly ordinations or episcopal consecrations (formal condemnation by Innocent XI).

Proof that Archbishop Lefebvre concealed the doubts about his priesthood and his episcopate
Bishop Fellay says he owes his mistakes to Archbishop Lefebvre. The heresis of sacramental probabilism allows
-1 / to make the faithful admit the compromise of the SSPX with the modernist church:
Un évêque suisse célèbre la grand-messe de la Pentecôte au séminaire FSSPX
Bishop Fellay wanted to have the modernist bishop Huonder accepted as a probable bishop, having him celebrated every Sunday in his chapels and even in his seminary. Bishop Fellay disseminates among the faithful the heresy that a probable bishop is thus frequentable for the sacraments, never evoking the problem of the invalidity of modernist priests and bishops due to the new rite received.
-2 / to silence doubts about the sacraments coming from the SSPX:
In March 1976, the Italian review Chiesa Viva revealed that Cardinal Achille Liénart belonged to the highest degrees of the sect of Freemasonry. Archbishop Lefebvre understood that his connection with the Freemason Liénart would soon become public, which prompted him to make the statement in a conference in Montreal, Canada, in May 1976 arguing that this "news had filled him with bitterness. ". This confession was intended to dispel doubts as to the validity of his priestly ordination and his episcopal consecration. Archbishop Lefebvre relied on the ignorance of many priests and lay people who would readily accept the mistaken notion that the mere external intention to perform a rite was sufficient for its validity. Archbishop Lefebvre used a spirit of dissimulation, showing clearly the doubts he himself had about his own orders. In fact, he hadn't just learned that his orders had been given to him by a Luciferian, but he had known it since at least 1970 if not long before. In fact, in his work "Pontifical Infallibility" published in 1970, the Marquis de la Franquerie already recounted the reception of the young Abbot Liénart in Freemasonry until his admission to the 30th degree, making his own episcopal consecration doubtful. However, for this work, Archbishop Lefebvre had sent his approval to his friend the Marquis de la Franquerie:
“From H. Exc. Monsignor Marcel LEFEBVRE, Archbishop of Synadia: Friborg, May 14, 1970. Dear Mr. Marquis, How can I tell you how satisfied I am with reading your brochure on these very important themes which shed light on the crisis from which we are suffering? Because it is obvious that the Church is invested by the errors condemned many times by the Popes. (…) Alas! everything is good to persecute those who remain faithful. I see him every day here and in France. These are very dark days. I fear that the punishments are near. Let us unite our prayers for the Church and the salvation of souls. Accept, Dear Mister the Marquis, the expression of my respectful and cordial dedication in N.S. ”
(“ The pontifical infallibility ”, Marquis de la Franquerie, 1970).

Bishop Fellay therefore spreads the heresy of sacramental probabilism because he knows that Archbishop Lefebvre was a probable priest and therefore a probable bishop and therefore that he and his colleagues are probable bishops and as well as the priests who come from the FSSPX are probable priests.
However, in her wisdom, the Holy Church is infinitely good. Tutiorism is the rule for the dispensation of the sacraments: we must ensure the certainty of their validity. If this proves to be doubtful, the Church prescribes that they be administered again under conditions. The probable priests must therefore ask for a new ordination under conditions, it is in the Salvation of souls.