
Francis Desaster: Serious Drop in Vocations Since 2013

Milan Archdiocese (5M Catholics, 2K priests), Italy, is experiencing a serious decline in priestly vocations.

Father Peter Stravinskas writes on CatholicWorldReport.com (May 5) that in 2013, there were 150 seminarians, this year 78. From 2017 to 2022, the number of new candidates for the priesthood has fallen from 24 to 6.

Stravinskas notes that the decline began in 2013, the year when Francis was elected, and that even the Vatican's own statistics has acknowledge that the number of seminarians worldwide has declined every year since 2013.

Francis doesn't like priests, seminarians, sisters and nuns, and he has referred to seminarians as "little monsters", Stravinskas notes.

His conclusion, “Ask any bishop or vocation director, off record, about the situation in their dioceses, you will get the same answer across the board: The ‘Francis effect’!”

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsQikbylimcx

Tony M
Jorge is out to destroy the Catholic Church.....I am sure he is very happy with those numbers.
All going according to plan!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Believe it or not, in the 1950's, before the death of the great Archbishop of Milan, Blessed Idelfonso Schuester, OSB, there were over 1,000 seminarians for Milan. It started going down slightly (but still in the negative direction), when Montini (Paul VI) became archbishop in 1954, down more when John XXIII became Pope, more when Paul VI and Vatican II came in, and collasped when Jesuit Martini …More
Believe it or not, in the 1950's, before the death of the great Archbishop of Milan, Blessed Idelfonso Schuester, OSB, there were over 1,000 seminarians for Milan. It started going down slightly (but still in the negative direction), when Montini (Paul VI) became archbishop in 1954, down more when John XXIII became Pope, more when Paul VI and Vatican II came in, and collasped when Jesuit Martini came in (1979). Now it's down to next to nothing under Jesuit Francis.
Why disaster, if they don't care about the situation? Because that seems to be what they are looking for.
Ivan Tomas
Not 'corona' but 'lavander' & 'st.galen' mafia-virus.
Tony Smith
Seriously would anyone in their right mind want to become a novus ordo priest or religious?