Garabandal..."bodenständig" - GOTT nützt uns, wo notwendig, durch die St. Michael als Werkzeug "Servus" ja wie die Kinder dort als "Marionetten" - das sollen sie in kindlicher Zustimmung ja sein....er …Plus
Garabandal..."bodenständig" - GOTT nützt uns, wo notwendig, durch die St. Michael als Werkzeug "Servus"

ja wie die Kinder dort als "Marionetten" - das sollen sie in kindlicher Zustimmung ja sein....er wartet nur darauf, dass wir in der Führung durch unseren hl. Schutzengel auch so in SEINE HAND gegeben sind, so hat es auch der hl. Ignatius von Loyola gesehen "Militär" statt - doch nicht abzuweisen wie Ghandi es sieht - als Werkzeuge SEINES ERBARMENS.
Wenn die Fülle der Zornschalen über uns kommt, um im Feuer zu reinigen, was anders nicht mehr zu handhaben ist



Apc 22,16 VEgw. VIhsou/j e;pemya to.n a;ggelo,n mou marturh/sai u`mi/n tau/ta evpi. tai/j evkklhsi,aijÅ evgw, eivmi h` r`i,za kai. to. ge,noj Daui,d( o` avsth.r o` lampro.j o` prwi?no,jÅ 17 Kai. to. pneu/ma kai. h` nu,mfh le,gousin( :ErcouÅ kai. o` avkou,wn eivpa,tw( :ErcouÅ kai. o` diyw/n evrce,sqw( o` qe,lwn labe,tw u[dwr zwh/j dwrea,nÅ

18 Marturw/ evgw. panti. tw/| avkou,onti tou.j lo,gouj th/j profhtei,aj tou/ bibli,ou tou,tou\ eva,n tij evpiqh/| evpV auvta,( evpiqh,sei o` qeo.j evpV auvto.n ta.j plhga.j ta.j gegramme,naj evn tw/| bibli,w| tou,tw|(

19 kai. eva,n tij avfe,lh| avpo. tw/n lo,gwn tou/ bibli,ou th/j profhtei,aj tau,thj( avfelei/ o` qeo.j to. me,roj auvtou/ avpo. tou/ xu,lou th/j zwh/j kai. evk th/j po,lewj th/j a`gi,aj tw/n gegramme,nwn evn tw/| bibli,w| tou,tw|Å

20 Le,gei o` marturw/n tau/ta( Nai,( e;rcomai tacu,Å VAmh,n( e;rcou ku,rie VIhsou/Å

21 ~H ca,rij tou/ kuri,ou VIhsou/ meta. pa,ntwnÅ


Date: 06/01/2011, Epiphanie,

Ceux que savent juger le « signes des temps » cherchent la LUMIERE confiée à l`Èglise

Provisor Dr. Harald Eder

Puch 1

A - 3830 Waidhofen/Thaya


To the Most Reverend Prefect of the holy Congregation of Faith

Em. William Joseph Levada


En réponse a l’adresse anonyme de la lettre de la Congrégation de la Foi aux conférences épiscopales, le sous signé Rev. Dr. Harald Eder soumet la réponse suivante à Son Eminence, Préfet de la Congrégation, William, Joseph, Levada, jeudi 4 nov. 2010, édite par le Rev. P. Lombardi. La réponse vise surtout le paragraphe suivant, cité de Zenith org..

« Toutefois, ajoute-t-il, un certain nombre des membres de l'Opus Angelorum - et en particulier certains prêtres sortis ou expulsés de l'Ordre des Chanoines Réguliers de la Sainte Croix - dans les années passées, n'ont pas accepté les normes données par l'autorité de l'Église, et continuent à chercher à restaurer un mouvement qui pratique ce qui est interdit. C'est pourquoi la congrégation pour la Doctrine de la Foi exhorte les Ordinaires à la vigilance quant à de telles initiatives. »

Notre intention

n’est pas de restaurer « un mouvement qui pratique ce qui est interdit », mais d’approfondir et vivre, chacun selon sa vocation, le Message de l’OA, en premier lieu l’union avec l’ange gardien. Il n’existe aucun groupement, chacun de nous se trouve à la place ou dans « l’exile » la providence aimable de DIEU l’a guidé. Avec l’Évèque de la diocèse nous sommes en bons termes.

Suivent quelques explications à ce sujet, personnelles de ma part. Ce que nous demandons au Bon DIEU et à l’Eglise est uniquement de pouvoir continuer « dans la patience et la foi de saints » ce que nous recommande l’Apocalypse dans les lettres aux communauté d’Asie. Pour cela humblement nous demandons la bénédiction de Votre Eminence.

Chacun de nous non seulement désire de continuer en dialogue avec les frères de l’ORC mais acceptera volontiers de rendre compte de ce qu’on appelle nos « initiatives » devant les autorités ecclesiales. L’OA est un œuvre de la Miséricorde de DIEU dans la bataille spirituelle de notre temps. Sans l’aide des Sts. Anges nous serons pas capables de vaincre la puissance des ténèbres qui nous a envahi. Souvenons – nous sobrement de l’aide que NOTRE SEIGNEUR recut de par l’ange dans son agonie dans le jardin de Getsemani. Que se fasse uniquement la Sainte Volonté du PERE !

[1]No es ella según la palabra del sto. Pontifice Juan Pablo IV la “Estrella de la Nueva Evangelisacion”?

Ya en Mexico, todavia en la vieja catredal, a la ocasión d’el cincuentenario de la dedicacion de Mejico Al Sto. ESPIRITU, renovamos nuestra entrega total a ella segun el sto. Luis Maria de Montfort. Queremos ser sus esclavos como los stos fieles angeles despues de la prueba de eparacion se declararon “siervos” y ya no dioses! No se presenta ella a S. Juan Diego varias veces como la “REINA DE LOS STOS ANGELES”? Por eso su bandera es la nuestra!

Sigamos el ejemplo de Ste. Jeanne d’Orléans en union con San Miguel: “QUIEN COMO DIOS!”

Consciemment nous nous mettons sous la bannière de L’Immaculée Vierge MARIA

Fidèles à sa promesse au Mexique en 1531: « YO SOY LA MADRE DE TODOS QUE EN ESTE MUNDO QUIEREN VIVIR EN UNO »

Vocation in the OA

Coming from “afar” – like the “magi”

Born 1932 of parents who had left the Church, baptized only by own decision in 1955, I entered in an unending chain of trials up to this day which only in pure faith could be passed. What anarchy means, I had to go through in the last world war and the debacle in the years following. Finding my way into the Church was shortly before the Vat II. As late vocation I hardly made it through when the confusion entered in the seminary, following the execution of the Council, GOD’s wise providence lead me from one trial to the next. As a young priest I entered right away into the battle about communion in the hand. If it had not been for the help of my good guardian angel, I might easily have lost even my late vocation. Finding my place with the “Brothers of the Cross” in OA gave me solid ground in the beginning, when M. Gabriele was still alive.

Difficulties overwhelmed us when we entered in the battle for the restoration of the Order of the Cross. We did not find the balance between modernists and traditionalists, not necessary to underline that the help of the holy angels could not come through, we lost their guidance. Exterior activities smothered the spirit. The Decree was by many accepted as an easy solution of the difficulties we were unable to resolve ourselves. It assured exterior stabilization but could not help us to come closer to our guardian angel and so resolve with his help our personal problems. They were and still are tapped. Instead of helping priests in their difficult mission or even bring them back to the priesthood, we have lost quite a number of priests in the last years.

What gave me light and strength to go on was my provisional mission of teaching the writings of St. John and the Synoptics in the seminary of the ORC in Anapolis Brasil for several years, last not least my love for OL of Guadalupe in Mexico, where is was allowed to found a house of the Order, close to St. Miguel, place of the only recognizes apparition of St. Michael. The former delegate of the Holy Sede, Fr. Duroux well knew to appreciate my singular vocation, even when I left the ORC, because what we had lost with the angels was supplied by human disciplinary measures. I stayed in communication with Fr. Duroux till lately. Interior and exterior battles helped to understand better, that the OA is a work of the HOLY SPIRIT, in need to be purified of all personal interest and will, so GOD may use us as his frail instruments in union with the angels. Like in other respects where the Church is obliged to confess our shortcomings before the world, we also have to confess that we have failed and ask GOD and our brothers for forgiveness.

The years of “exile” purified our impatience “to bring the angels to work in the Church”. Last year, in a prolonged spiritual retreat in Patmos, after years of contemplating the Apocalypse, in prayer St. John helped me to deeper find out about the unity of the Apocalypse and the OA. No book of the Bible has caused me a deeper impact than that of the Apocalypse. Soberly my vocation is an apocalyptic one. The holocaust of my home city Würzburg/Germany, where in March 1945 one fourth of the population died in an apocalyptic fire like Dresden, as a poor pagan I came first to know about GOD. This conviction grew studying the writings of St. John. In the Decree we are obliged, to put the revelation about the angels on the fundament of the Holy Scripture and Tradition. The Apocalypse, “book of the intervention of the angels to bring the Church to consummation”, does it not help us to see the OA as the “Apocalypse put into action”? Humbly I will submit my book “Einstieg in die Geheime Offenbarung” (Entry into the Apocalypse), edited by Benedetto Verlag, CH, fruit of my retreat in Pamos last year, and other writings (not yet published) on this subject to the Congregation’s discernment.

Resuming: My point of view on the apocalyptic mission of the OA is simple:

THE HOLY ANGELS “AS MEMBERS OF THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST” (confirmed by Cardinal Journet) ARE SENT TO HELP US IN UNION WITH THEM TO PREPARE THE REIGN OF THE IMMACULATE HEART (Fatima!), PRECEDING THE SECOND COMING OF THE LORD. The purification prophesied is not the end of the world but the end of time (Garabandal). Purified the Church will organically grow towards the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven.

Soon the Church will cry out for the help of the holy angels.

The time has come!

No purely human effort on our part is necessary,

only faith in the greater Power and Mercy of GOD!

Over the pride of men, behind the insubmission of Lucifer, the Omnipotence of GOD, still hidden in the impotence of the Holy EUCARIST will triumph. The Order of the Cross is destined to be an instrument of the HOLY SPIRIT to bring the Church by way of the CROSS back to its origin. The pericopes of the Resurrection give a convincing testimony that only the HOLY SPIRIT wants to purify the Church to its original Holiness. As the Church is built of living stones, each member has to be purified, this is the mission of our guardian angel. Otherwise no union with the hierarchy of the angels! Here we poor members of the OA …