Will Pastor Jimmy Martin of the Jesuit Church lead or participate in a formal schism from Rome over gay marriage? Many are asking him to.
Deus Vult
It isn't a secret that Francis himself blessed the outright "GAY MARRIAGE" of his buddies in the Vatican, press present and all. So good ol' Jimmy is following the footsteps of the devil. For years and years the "oh so pious" church pointed their fingers at traditionalists, the society of St. Pius etc., scolding them to be in "schism" ! Well if a NO tells me these days that I am outside of the church …More
It isn't a secret that Francis himself blessed the outright "GAY MARRIAGE" of his buddies in the Vatican, press present and all. So good ol' Jimmy is following the footsteps of the devil. For years and years the "oh so pious" church pointed their fingers at traditionalists, the society of St. Pius etc., scolding them to be in "schism" ! Well if a NO tells me these days that I am outside of the church by attending the TLM of reverend priests/societies, I gladly reply, that "I am Catholic" what are you?
We can only pray that the "papacy" of Francis comes to an end soon!
I for my part stand with tradition and REFUSE to set foot into any NO temple with their "gay pride flags" across the entrance!
Ave Maria, let's pray for a conversion and clean up of our formerly Catholic church!
Defeat Modernism
The saints have many times condemned the sin of homosexuality. Our Lord to St. Catherine of Siena said the homos cause him nausea.
The Saints against the SodomitesMore
The saints have many times condemned the sin of homosexuality. Our Lord to St. Catherine of Siena said the homos cause him nausea.

The Saints against the Sodomites