Peaceful Conversation at Arab Fest. in Dearborn, Mi. 6/2010 Peaceful Conversation at Arab Festival in Dearborn, Mi. June, 2010 Is this our "freedom of speech?"More
Peaceful Conversation at Arab Fest. in Dearborn, Mi. 6/2010

Peaceful Conversation at Arab Festival in Dearborn, Mi. June, 2010 Is this our "freedom of speech?"
Tina Pelletier shares this
holyrope 3
Simple but orthodox Catholic
Yes, HolyRope3, PAX! 😇
I'm looking forward to enjoying another one of your great videos that you regularly download!
Christus vincit Christus Regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
holyrope 3
Simple b o C...You are of your own opinion, I, of mine. at least these men went in and had some of these muslims actually remain quiet for some time to hear what he said. You nor I will know if maybe a seed was planted, even in one soul, maybe not then, but in the future. The apostles were all martyred but one. And these men went inside Openly, Unlike the secretive and deceiving ones who constantly …More
Simple b o C...You are of your own opinion, I, of mine. at least these men went in and had some of these muslims actually remain quiet for some time to hear what he said. You nor I will know if maybe a seed was planted, even in one soul, maybe not then, but in the future. The apostles were all martyred but one. And these men went inside Openly, Unlike the secretive and deceiving ones who constantly man the helms of many a dioceses and chancels who do the Opposite of teaching the True Faith. And yes, that is another topic. So because you may not have chosen to do what they did, does not mean they were wrong. They displayed no hatred, no arrogance, but only the desire to preach the good news. They should not be condemned for that. God sees all, Why not let Him be the judge. Pax, 😇

Simple but orthodox Catholic
I perfectly agree [naturally!] about the absolute centrality of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and His Redeeming Sacrifice which we relive in the Mass, and the Most Holy Trinity, and the Catholic Church established by Our Lord, when we talk about the FULLNESS of belief in the One God ... BUT ... that was NOT the focus of the original discussion. One does not go to someone else's place and offensively [there …More
I perfectly agree [naturally!] about the absolute centrality of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and His Redeeming Sacrifice which we relive in the Mass, and the Most Holy Trinity, and the Catholic Church established by Our Lord, when we talk about the FULLNESS of belief in the One God ... BUT ... that was NOT the focus of the original discussion. One does not go to someone else's place and offensively [there is no other way to describe it] tell them that they are wrong in all their beliefs! Furthermore, my other point was that we need to use whatever we have in common with Moslems [and other believers] to defeat our primary enemy - atheistic secularists. I see nothing wrong in using Moslems to further our own agenda - against abortion and so on. Kicking sand in Moslem faces and yelling "We have the fullness of Truth" [which, by the way, I do believe we have] might be satisfying on the testosterone level but it ain't good politics if we want to thwart atheistic secularism ... and I have no doubt that IT is THE clear and present danger throughout the Western World.
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!.
holyrope 3
@Simple but orthodox Catholic writes:
Yahweh, God and Allah are the one Being [Allah is merely the Arabic word for God.. ..
As with so many of the modern truisms mindlessly uttered by popular spokesman, and endlessly repeated by the world's news and entertainment media, the critical reader must thoughtfully weigh the value of this saying: "After all, we all worship the same God." The importance of …More
@Simple but orthodox Catholic writes:

Yahweh, God and Allah are the one Being [Allah is merely the Arabic word for God.. ..

As with so many of the modern truisms mindlessly uttered by popular spokesman, and endlessly repeated by the world's news and entertainment media, the critical reader must thoughtfully weigh the value of this saying: "After all, we all worship the same God." The importance of examining such statements arises from the fact that, all TOO often, they carry a implied payload of politically correct propaganda. In the case of "all worship the same God," the implication is that the differences among the various religions are merely accidental, that all the religions amount to the same thing, have essentially the same worth, and their doctrines are basically myths.
Roman Catholics could never agree with such a notion without rejecting their faith, any more than they could admit that Jesus Christ is the equivalent of Moses or Muhammad. For the Roman Catholic, Jesus Christ is God-become-man, the incarnate Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity. But Muslims believe that Jesus was but one of many prophets of Allah, inferior to the ultimate prophet Muhammad. The Jews do not even consider Jesus Christ a prophet.

The Catholic faith holds that the true God is actually a Blessed Trinity of three Divine Persons. Both Muslims and Jews absolutely deny this and condemn it as blasphemy.

The Catholic faith teaches that the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity has become a man, assuming a real human nature to live and on this earth. While on earth Christ taught the truth of God for all mankind, died a sacrificial death and rose from the dead. Muslims and Jews absolutely condemn this belief.

The CATHOLIC faith teaches that God became man in the person of Jesus Christ in order to die on the cross to redeem mankind from its sins and open for us the gates of heaven. Both Judaism and Islam absolutely deny that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer. Jews anticipate a coming Messiah other than Jesus Christ, while Muslims reject the very idea of a redeemer and savior.

The Roman Catholic faith teaches that, while on earth, the Son of God established what He Himself called His Church, to teach, to govern and to sanctify all mankind until the end of time - - and that the Church which Jesus Christ established is none other than the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Jews and Muslims absolutely reject both the claims of Christ and of His Church.

Roman Catholics believe that the one and only Savior, Jesus Christ, as the true Son of God, endowed His Church with the powers to make men holy and pleasing to God by instituting the following seven sacraments of the New Law, by which the Catholic Church carries on the mission of Jesus Christ on earth: Baptism, Penance, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Holy Orders, Matrimony, and Extreme Unction. Both Jews and Muslims absolutely deny the divine origin of all of these sacraments. Their God has not instituted any such sacraments.

Roman Catholics believe that during the Sacrifice of the Mass, the very Son of God made man becomes truly present on the altar in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist called "the Most Blessed Sacramnet," and under the appearances of bread and wine renews the offering of Himself that He made from the Cross on Calvary, pleading to His Father for mercy for us. Muslims, Jews and Protestants all reject and condemn this belief as blasphemous. Their God is not present in any such sacrament.

Muslims and Jews believe in the law of revenge: "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth ..." This law of talion, or as the Muslims call it, the law of qisa, is a central part of their moral teaching. Relying on the Gospel teaching of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church teaches that retaliation is wrong, and that God demands of us a willingness to forgive our enemies. Christ explicitly taught us to pray: "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us."

In the light of so many substantial differences about Who God is and what He has done, how can anyone seriously claim that "we all worship the same God"? To do so would be to reject the teaching of Jesus Christ, Who alone is "the WAY. the TRUTH, and the LIFE."
✍️ 🤗
Simple but orthodox Catholic
@holyrope3 You know that I respect you immensely [my responses to the videos that you post should, I hope, make you realise that]. But on this, I have to say that I disagree with you. There are three reasons why I think that what these men did [well-meaning as I'm sure they were] is wrong. Firstly, it is a matter of simple "courtesy and manners". One does not go uninvited to another's feast and …More
@holyrope3 You know that I respect you immensely [my responses to the videos that you post should, I hope, make you realise that]. But on this, I have to say that I disagree with you. There are three reasons why I think that what these men did [well-meaning as I'm sure they were] is wrong. Firstly, it is a matter of simple "courtesy and manners". One does not go uninvited to another's feast and preach beliefs that are not shared by the hosts. That is offensive. We Catholics wouldn't like it so why do it to others? Secondly, in this day and age, what they did is needlessly dangerous. Living one's Catholic faith fully and witnessing to it totally where we live and work is heroic enough. We don't need to court being beaten up, or worse, by unnecessarily being "offensive" to others in their own home. Thirdly, and this is a point that many [Christian, Jew or Moslem] tend to forget, there is only ONE GOD: Yahweh, God and Allah are the one Being [Allah is merely the Arabic word for God ... when Arab-speaking Christians pray they use the word "Allah" too]. We are all "People of the Book". Instead of antagonising Moslems [or Jews, or Protestants for that matter] we should try to concentrate on the common grounds that we share. The enemies, the primary enemies, of belief in God are not other believers in God [regardless of what they call Him] but atheists and secularists ... those who would ban ALL religions from the public arena. Moslems too are against abortion, pre-marital sex, gay marriage ... and so on. We should concentrate on converting pagans who do not believe in the One True God rather than preaching at Moslems. There is a potential real difference between most educated, middle class Moslems who are born in the West and those who live in the Moslem countries. We do need to reason with these and not antagonise them. Why? Because they can help us to fight against abortion etc, etc, etc. It is quite interesting that at many United Nations Conferences on "Women" and "Life" Issues it frequently happens that the Vatican, which has observer status, finds that its best allies are Moslem countries. Let me re-emphasise that I have lived in Moslem countries and I do know the dangers but "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Let's not antagonise Moslems but use them to meet our own agenda.
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
holyrope 3
The one gentleman was a Muslim, born and raised, who still has family who are Muslim. So he can speak from his own life and experience. This is why some of these people have silenced,... in order to listen to him. Although they may stick together, as does most any groups, there may be someone who stood there listening to this man, who at a later date may just stop and remember what he heard that …More
The one gentleman was a Muslim, born and raised, who still has family who are Muslim. So he can speak from his own life and experience. This is why some of these people have silenced,... in order to listen to him. Although they may stick together, as does most any groups, there may be someone who stood there listening to this man, who at a later date may just stop and remember what he heard that day. It may give reason for him to question and search for answers. It may give a person(s) hope that there truly is such a Jesus Christ who is Truly God and Man. If this FORMER muslim converted ONE Soul, wouldn't it be worth it? If he has not fear within himself and can relate to these same people who he once agreed with, but Now, by the grace of God, has come to know the Truth, then why should he not want to share the Good News with his fellow past-countrymen? Is this not what Jesus told His apostles to do? To go out and preach to the four corners of the earth? Be not afraid...and they weren't.

If these 2 men were just going into this area to antagonize, that would be wrong, but as you listen to this man speak to the crowd, I see, nor hear, any antagonizing or belittling taking place.

Simple but orthodox Catholic
Dear Kfarley,
I have actually lived and worked in the "Holy Land" of Islam - the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [I got out after 3 months because I made sure that my contract had a clause allowing departure after 3 months if I "felt under threat"!!! ... thank God I got out!]. So, I know how oppressive Islam is in a "majority Moslem" country: Mass is proscribed; no Churches are allowed; priests, if found …More
Dear Kfarley,
I have actually lived and worked in the "Holy Land" of Islam - the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [I got out after 3 months because I made sure that my contract had a clause allowing departure after 3 months if I "felt under threat"!!! ... thank God I got out!]. So, I know how oppressive Islam is in a "majority Moslem" country: Mass is proscribed; no Churches are allowed; priests, if found [and there are some "pretending" to work for TEXACO but actually secretly ministering to the needs of Western, Philippino and South Asian Catholics] are arrested, beaten and deported; bibles and other religious items found in luggage at the border are confiscated etc. etc. etc. Horrible society!!! No wonder Moslems are eager to live in the West! Incredible that once here, however, they clamour to recreate what they left behind! I am under no illusion about militant Islam and I believe firmly that we must ensure that Christianity remains the majority religion in Western countries and that we resist the "islamisation" of the West. NEVERTHELESS, I still think that going to proselytise at an "officially" Moslem function is the height of idiocy [forget the question of offensive manners]. Did these people have a death wish or a martyr complex???? And they've done it before????????????????????????????????????
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
This is exactly what Michael Savage means when he says "Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder". Our society which has been attacked and is under constant threat of islamic attack is against Christianity that poses no threat whatsoever to the safety of our citizens. Muslim radicals wish to "kill or convert" and instead of allowing peaceful Christians to try to positively interact with muslims the insane …More
This is exactly what Michael Savage means when he says "Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder". Our society which has been attacked and is under constant threat of islamic attack is against Christianity that poses no threat whatsoever to the safety of our citizens. Muslim radicals wish to "kill or convert" and instead of allowing peaceful Christians to try to positively interact with muslims the insane liberal caters to the "religion" of islam-the religion itself that wishes to destroy the very liberal protecting it!!!!
“Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to
teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because
they are witnesses.”

Pope Paul VIMore
“Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to
teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because
they are witnesses.”

Pope Paul VI
✍️ Perhaps the "Arab Fest." description is a misnomer - there are many Arab Christians. And there are many Pakistani, Indonesian, African etc. Muslims (not Arabs). ??? - Blessings - Rene
Simple but orthodox Catholic
Wouldn't Catholics find it offensive if Moslems started coming uninvited to Catholic events [for example "World Youth Day"] and preached their religion? Isn't the corollary self-evident?
I just wish that they were Catholics who preaches the real presence of our Lord in the Holy Euchartist (John 6:48-52). I wonder if that might be? Jesus' dicsiples left Him and did not believe Him because who would accept a teaching that would eat Jesus' flesh and drink His blood? The early Christian martyrs were killed because they were accused of canibalism. Protestants won't accept this either! …More
I just wish that they were Catholics who preaches the real presence of our Lord in the Holy Euchartist (John 6:48-52). I wonder if that might be? Jesus' dicsiples left Him and did not believe Him because who would accept a teaching that would eat Jesus' flesh and drink His blood? The early Christian martyrs were killed because they were accused of canibalism. Protestants won't accept this either! I wonder if some group of Catholics would preach to these non-Catholic "Christians" about the true presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Will they believe? I pray that this two "Christians" who studied apologetics would see the Truth, then they would be on the right track.
I am delighted to see the young Moslims asking relevant questions - the crowd seems to be open to talk - I am sure Christ loves these people.
holyrope 3
what can I say Cannoli to someone who likes the "Archies"? huh Suga? 🤨
Holy Cannoli
Your afraid of them Cannoli.
Afraid of them, no. Afraid of you, yes. ;-)
your probably thinking they're lucky they came out alive,
Actually, they came out in handcuffs. LOL
And if a protestant, a jew (sic) or a muslim (sic) walked into a Catholic event, I'd have to give them credit for doing something that thought was right...
Whether or not they “thought (it) was right” is irrelevant and …More

Your afraid of them Cannoli.

Afraid of them, no. Afraid of you, yes. ;-)

your probably thinking they're lucky they came out alive,

Actually, they came out in handcuffs. LOL

And if a protestant, a jew (sic) or a muslim (sic) walked into a Catholic event, I'd have to give them credit for doing something that thought was right...

Whether or not they “thought (it) was right” is irrelevant and it certainly doesn't make it “right.”

Some of the Apostles thought the same thing when Jesus went to eat in the home of a tax collector and prostitutes.

Do you believe that Jesus sat to eat with publicans and sinners but was uninvited? I'd say he had more class than that, wouldn't you agree?

Look, if I were in attendance at “Catholic Fest” and, especially, if I ponied up my own money to help sponsor such a Catholic event, I would immediately call security on outsiders who were there to proselytize. No matter how peaceful their demeanor, they are still being disruptive and they DO NOT BELONG at an event that the sponsors specifically designed, paid for and planned exclusively for Catholics. This is not a difficult concept and Matthew 7:12 fits perfectly.

Common sense and common courtesy are the issues and that's exactly what was NOT present in your video. No matter how well intentioned and no matter how strongly we agree with their message, these Christians did not belong at “Arab Fest.” Using your line of thinking, why don't these same Christians visit a Jewish synagogue and preach Christ to the Jews after they finish with “Arab Fest.” Well intentioned, yes but common sense, courtesy and prudence is lacking with these Christians.

>the bottom line is we are called to SAVE SOULS

Yes, starting with our own and for that one of the important virtues we need is prudence. (called 'common sense' in the vernacular)

If you desire to evangelize Muzzies, Jews, Protestants, Wiccans or any other misbegotten group, nobody is stopping you. But (and this is crucial) there is an appropriate time and place to do it. “Arab Fest” is NOT the appropriate time and place for Christians to preach Christ any more than “Catholic Fest” would be an appropriate time and place for Muzzies to talk about Mohammed or the Qur'an. After the gift of life, our most precious gift is our intellect. However, intellect is useless unless we use it.

This is what has become of our society. Regardless of the peacefulness of this gathering of muslims the ultimate goal of islam is to rule the world and in islamic countries CHRISTIANS ARE NOT TOLERATED. This situation shows how liberal insanity has public authorities such as police and local politicians bending over backwards to show muslims that they are tolerating them (the same muslims that would …More
This is what has become of our society. Regardless of the peacefulness of this gathering of muslims the ultimate goal of islam is to rule the world and in islamic countries CHRISTIANS ARE NOT TOLERATED. This situation shows how liberal insanity has public authorities such as police and local politicians bending over backwards to show muslims that they are tolerating them (the same muslims that would slit their throats in a heartbeat if they had the population advantage in this country)-at the expense of denegrating Christians who are what this country & society are based upon. The people in this nation must remember that muslims think it is ok to act in a "peaceful manner" to infiltrate this society because in the muslim mind "we are the infidel" and are undeserving of "the truth" . Remember the "peaceful muslims acts" of September 11th, 2001. The islamic plan is to keep a low profile and use our idiotic political correctness against us as they build their numbers within this society. Once they have the numbers to overtake this society the Christians and Jews will be converted or killed. All one has to do is look to other countries dominated by muslims around the world-Christians are not even allowed to build Churches in most of these countries and if they would peacefully organize as these muslims are free to do in our country in the countries dominated by muslims the Christains would be slaughtered!
holyrope 3
soundingjoy... 😉
holyrope 3
Your afraid of them Cannoli...and your probably thinking they're lucky they came out alive, or that it was useless for them to have gone there. Some of the Apostles thought the same thing when Jesus went to eat in the home of a tax collector and prostitutes.
And if a protestant, a jew or a muslim walked into a Catholic event, I'd have to give them credit for doing something that thought was right,…More
Your afraid of them Cannoli...and your probably thinking they're lucky they came out alive, or that it was useless for them to have gone there. Some of the Apostles thought the same thing when Jesus went to eat in the home of a tax collector and prostitutes.
And if a protestant, a jew or a muslim walked into a Catholic event, I'd have to give them credit for doing something that thought was right, (of course leaving their swords at home.) But there are many working behind the scenes...even in our own parishes. But of course, given the opportunity, I'd do to them what they were trying to do to us Catholics, proclaim the True and Only Church of Christ. Unlike some priests I know who say it is OK to attend a protestant service.
And we could go back and forth with Scripture, ...but the bottom line is we are called to SAVE SOULS.
I'm sure one day this ex-muslim will be rewarded for proclaiming Christ.