Ludovic 2Nîm
The wars waged by the West were waged on behalf of the body of the antechrist and to put the nail in the coffin of the Catholic Church. It's like the Roman Empire crucifying Jesus Christ on behalf of …More
The wars waged by the West were waged on behalf of the body of the antechrist and to put the nail in the coffin of the Catholic Church. It's like the Roman Empire crucifying Jesus Christ on behalf of some peoples whose Bible speak about.
We all know that the wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Libya have not benefited the West given the new routes for migration open towards Western Europe (and even the US) that accelerate the islamisation... All these refugees have come in biggest numbers since and Russia along with the West used these wars in order to radicalize muslims and push them towards Jihadism...
Even Russia is being islamized : Our diversity is a strength
La Russie s’appellera bientôt le Russistan à ce rythme...
Like the wars in the Middle-East, it didn't benefit the West :
Qui a brûlé un Coran en Suède pour essayer de crée…
An excruciatingly exquisite portrait of Our Savior.