
Milei: More Insults for Francis

Francis plays politics and has strong political influence, Argentine presidential candidate Javier Milei, 52, told Tucker Carlson (September 14). Milei adds that Francis shows great affinity for "dictators" such as Fidel Castro and Nicolás Maduro and sides with "these bloody dictatorships.” And, “He has an affinity for the murderous communists. In fact, he does not condemn them.” Globalist communism rebranded itself and is now simply called globalism. Milei has an affinity with murderous globalist oligarchs and does not condemn them.


Don't trust this man
Excellent interview, I now know why that little nazi socialist Bergoglio doesn't want to visit his home land, they all know the truth about him.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Good for Milei. Keep the insults to Pope Francis coming. He deserves all of it and more. FAithful CAtholics applaud you!!! Hooray for Tucker for hosting him!!
Sancte Teotónio
You are completely delusional. Faithful Catholics would never insult the man they know to be Pope. That's the same thing as insulting Our Lord who is one with the Pope in governing the Church. If Bergolio is Pope, then its a grave sin to insult him.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Sancte Teotónio-Very many faithful Catholics disagree with you. Bergoglio might have been elected Pope but that does not entitle him to obedience and respect when he departs from the traditions and disciplines and dogmas of the Church. No legit Pope would deliberately make a farce of the papal office like he has done by word and deed.... receiving in audience male homosexual TRANS prostitutes, …More
@Sancte Teotónio-Very many faithful Catholics disagree with you. Bergoglio might have been elected Pope but that does not entitle him to obedience and respect when he departs from the traditions and disciplines and dogmas of the Church. No legit Pope would deliberately make a farce of the papal office like he has done by word and deed.... receiving in audience male homosexual TRANS prostitutes, encouraging them and keeping in contact with them by e-mail!! No legit Pope would bring in a false pagan into St. Peter's Basilica and incense it and pray before it like he did in 2019. No legit Pope would appoint openly, active homosexuals to high Roman Curia office, as Bergoglio has done, nor issue rulings that persecute and restrict the ancient traditions of the liturgy that has given us our greatest saints. The Novus Ordo of Vatican II, on the other hand, has only given us abuses and filth.
So, Bergoglio might be Pope, but many Catholics have lost all respect for him due to his actions and agenda, and justifiable insult him. And this includes Milei, several bishops who preach the truth, and millions of faithful Catholics who know Bergoglio for what he and his associates truly are.
Lastly, to insult Pope Francis is not the same as insulting Our Lord, because Pope Francis has departed from the teachings of the Church and of Our Lord in many areas. Bergoglio has renounced the title, "Vicar of Christ", so Our Lord is not "one with the Pope in governing the Church". Our Lord would repudiate Bergoglio and what he has done to the Church.
Malki Tzedek
Is calling out someone's questionable behavior 'insulting'? Perhaps, but it may also be something which brings the other closer to whom he/she should be. If it is done with glee, bad on the 'insulter'; if it is done in the spirit of correction so the person can amend his/her behavior, bring it on! I pray for both Francis and Milei that the light of Christ may illuminate their respective journeys.