
New Statement: „We Are True Friends Of Francis”

Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider issued a further three-page “Clarification About the Meaning of Fidelity to the Supreme Pontiff.” In the text they notice an “almost general" doctrinal confusion …More
Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider issued a further three-page “Clarification About the Meaning of Fidelity to the Supreme Pontiff.”
In the text they notice an “almost general" doctrinal confusion in the Church regarding Communion for adulterers, and the approval of homosexual fornication and paganism.
Burke and Schneider call on Pope Francis to “unequivocally reject the evident doctrinal errors” in the Amazon Synod’s working document and to not abolish celibacy.
They call Francis’ Abu Dhabi document and the errors in the Synod’s document “a betrayal” of Christ and the Catholic Faith.
In their text they also justify why they speak up [thus cornering themselves] by referring to their consciences, the Bible and Saints, and criticising an atmosphere of papolatry.
Burke and Schneider miss “in our days” [read: in Francis' Pontificate] the possibility of an honest theological debate because they receive as a response only “sentimental arguments” or “arguments from power”.
The two notice …More