Gloria.TV News on the 7th of March 2016 What We Deserve: Larry Ball, a retired Presbytarian minister, comments the appearance of immoral figures like Trump and Clinton on the U.S. political scene: “…More
Gloria.TV News on the 7th of March 2016
What We Deserve: Larry Ball, a retired Presbytarian minister, comments the appearance of immoral figures like Trump and Clinton on the U.S. political scene: “Maybe the problem is us! We have fed the people milk from the pulpits. We failed to preach repentance along with faith. We separated religion from law. We substituted entertainment for worship.” And: “We were taught to believe that the voice of the people is the voice of God. Our faith became a mere personal relationship with God.” Balls conclusion: “We get what we deserve.”
Rejected: The Alabama Supreme Court has openly rejected the U.S. Supreme Court’s homosex pseudo-marriage opinion, labeling it ‘illegitimate’ and without legal or precedential authority. The Judgement makes permanent the Alabama Supreme Court’s order prohibiting probate judges from issuing marriage licenses to homosexualists.
Liberals Have No Success: The number of Catholics has grown between 2004 and 2014 especially in …More
It is a bit unfair to compare Donald Trump to either of Clintons. The Clintons are career political monsters, serial liars, pro-war, and rabidly pro-abortion. Donald Trump is a successful businessman, has never entered politics before, and he is coming around on abortion to an acceptable pro-life position. Trump is the only candidate to call out the fraud of the last decade and half of wars in the …More
It is a bit unfair to compare Donald Trump to either of Clintons. The Clintons are career political monsters, serial liars, pro-war, and rabidly pro-abortion. Donald Trump is a successful businessman, has never entered politics before, and he is coming around on abortion to an acceptable pro-life position. Trump is the only candidate to call out the fraud of the last decade and half of wars in the Middle East. Trump is also the only candidate to clearly oppose the globalist trade deals that destroying the middle class in America. Please Gloria.tv, get your facts straight before making baseless comparisons and associations with Donald Trump. Trump is far from perfect, but hardly in the same league as the Clintons.