Muslims hold Friday prayer on the altar alongside a priest. Source is Catholic Arena: "As Catholics in Ireland remain locked out of their churches on the eve of Holy Week @tuamarchdiocese decide to …More
Muslims hold Friday prayer on the altar alongside a priest.
Source is Catholic Arena: "As Catholics in Ireland remain locked out of their churches on the eve of Holy Week @tuamarchdiocese decide to allow Muslims to hold Friday prayer on the altar alongside a priest"
Novella Nurney
Utter witless, faithless tool and apostate.
uk.news and 7 more users link to this post
Traitor and Apostate!
The muslin is singing to the devil in a Catholic church. Well done, apostate priest
Joseph a' Christian
Vile, Muhammad is among the most destructive people to have ever walked the earth.
His lost followers need correction, they are antiChrists. The priesthood is so corrupted, infiltrated by enemies of our Church, only our Lord Jesus can correct this man made catastrophe.
Almighty God, Father, Jesus proclaimed to ask in His Holy Name and we will receive. Please increase our faith in the singular Way …More
Vile, Muhammad is among the most destructive people to have ever walked the earth.
His lost followers need correction, they are antiChrists. The priesthood is so corrupted, infiltrated by enemies of our Church, only our Lord Jesus can correct this man made catastrophe.
Almighty God, Father, Jesus proclaimed to ask in His Holy Name and we will receive. Please increase our faith in the singular Way for eternal life in the joy of Your Kingdom, Jesus our Savior, our freedom from the snares of sin. Amen.
es.news and one more user link to this post
Legio Mariae
Libera nos Domine!!!!!!!!!
Ivan Tomas
See and believe your own eyes. Novus ordo modernist seducers and seduced have not yet fully achieved their primary goal - complete desolation and desecration of all that is holy !!!
This is antichrist. Muslims are from abominable religion (Islam) that denies Holy Trinity and divinity of Jesus Christ. This is total sacrilege and abomination. Just in case you don't know, we live in Great Apostasy during end-times. Have a look at newest video at vaticancatholic.com , Pagans bang on floor in St. Peter's Basillica, antipope Francis "blesses" naked statue of pagan goddess, see …More
This is antichrist. Muslims are from abominable religion (Islam) that denies Holy Trinity and divinity of Jesus Christ. This is total sacrilege and abomination. Just in case you don't know, we live in Great Apostasy during end-times. Have a look at newest video at vaticancatholic.com , Pagans bang on floor in St. Peter's Basillica, antipope Francis "blesses" naked statue of pagan goddess, see beginning of footage: youtu.be/u02sNHRNLCk