Rostand himself had reported his deviances to his superiors

Screenshot of Father Rostand's LinkedIn account

Once again, we note the Institutional Dimension of the gaps in the fight against child crime at the Society of Saint Pius He is not a simple priest, but a leader of the Fraternity, district superior for almost 10 years! How can we protect the sheep when the shepherd is a wolf? Can a predator prevent these abuses, remove the perpetrators and cooperate with the authorities to eradicate this scourge? Why leave a person working with children who signals the risk they present to them?

This brings us to other questions: How many predators are on the job now ? Are there other superiors involved?
The coming weeks and months will provide some answers. Menzingen will be able to review its press release format, because it risks being used again. His so-called compassion no longer convinces anyone.
john333 shares this
All Saints
He lies. Like you. You really are a very sick man.