Gloria.TV News on the 14th of December 2016 Purges: In an interview published on corrispondenzaromana.it, Vatican-watcher Edward Pentin states that, since Francis’ election, a large number of sound,…More
Gloria.TV News on the 14th of December 2016

Purges: In an interview published on corrispondenzaromana.it, Vatican-watcher Edward Pentin states that, since Francis’ election, a large number of sound, orthodox clergy have either voluntarily left serving as curial officials or been forcibly removed. This is particularly true of the Congregation for Divine Worship, which had many Benedict appointees.

Disaffection: Concerning Francis’ comments on an alleged rigidity of young Catholics, Pentin writes - quote: “The common view in Rome is that his ‘rigid’ comments are aimed at wearing down so-called, ‘conservative’ or traditional Catholics so that orthodoxy gradually disappears, and he can push through his reforms.” And: “It’s just one of many other acts made during this pontificate which has led to the disaffection of a large number of practicing Catholics.”

Church Without Catholics? Francis’ biographer Austen Ivereigh, who belongs to the Francis court, suggests in cruxnow.com that the Church must move on as Amoris Laetitia critics allegedly cross into dissent. But Ivereigh misses an important point: A Church that moves away from the critics of Amoris Laetitia will be a Church without practicing Catholics.

No Change: A recently published guideline for priestly formation published by the Congregation for Clergy wants that future priests – quote – “should learn about climate change as part of their formation.” Seminarians should also be encouraged to use social media.
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