Tom Jones

What Is Fetal Surgery, and How Is It Changing?

Yale’s Fetal Care Center director discusses advances in the field.
What Is Fetal Surgery, and How Is It Changing?

“In many cases, what was untreatable yesterday is treatable today. And it is ever-evolving,” As all people are created by GOD, no one has the right to throw then in the incinerator and think nothing about it.

Respect life from conception to natural death.

Be Catholic Pro-Life Prayer Warriors

It is not right to execute any child for being an inconvenience.
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chris griffin
Roe v. Wade ONLY legally defined an unborn baby as a "fetus" and therefore not a person whose life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is protected by the Constitution. Just like Hitler's actions were legal, so aborting a "fetus" was legal. Catholics should lead the way in legally defining the unborn as people with inalienable rights!