
Inter-Faith Eucharist: Many are Called But Only the Vaccinated Invited

Philadelphia Archbishop Nelson Perez celebrated an October 16 an inter-religious “Mass for Peace and Justice” against gun violence at Chestnut Hill College.

The Philadelphia police department is defunded. Last summer the mayor issued a public apology to criminals for using tear gas to break up their riots and looting. In 2021, the city has so far counted 435 homicides of which 375 were killed in shootings. There were 1,482 nonfatal shooting victims.

NonVeniPacem.com reports about Perez' Eucharist that 130 people of different religions were welcomed but the unvaccinated disinvited, “Extra Vacciniam nulla salus!”.

Around the meal table, t-shirts from the Philadelphia Memorial to the Lost were on display, each representing a gun victim of last year.


"against gun violence" Philadelphia already has extremely strict gun-control laws but, for some reason, criminals just keep breaking them.
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