
Carhart & Maryland Big Abortion's cloak of invisibility to appear in MD's highest court

On January 11, 2016 the ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) is representing Andrew Glenn in his efforts to expose minimally qualified practitioners performing abortions in Maryland who are responsible for serious injury and even death of unsuspecting women.

In Maryland's neighboring state of Pennsylvania, we need not be reminded of the horrific crimes and broken regulations routinely and quite deliberately overlooked by state officials responsible for responding to stacks of complaints against abortionist Kermit Gosnell (eventually convicted after shocking discoveries stemming from a drug raid) that tragically go all the way back to 1972 and the infamous Mother's Day Massacre.

Following (Maryland, USA's) enactment of new regulations designed to tighten up oversight of these places by the state’s Health Department, Glenn filed a simple, routine Public Information Request. His Request asked for the names of the owners, administrators, and medical directors of each of Maryland’s licensed abortion facilities. (At least three of the facilities are owned by Planned Parenthood). Given the Department’s history of turning a blind eye to the abortion industry, Glenn wanted do his own research and cross-check the information contained in publicly filed licensure applications against regulatory records in other states.

But instead of welcoming Glenn’s efforts to assist them in their oversight, the Department denied him access to the information he sought.

The Maryland Court of Appeals, the highest court in Maryland, will be hearing “Andrew Glenn v. Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene” on January 11, 2016. Please pray for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) lawyers who will be arguing the case.

Gosnell was not an anomaly. It's time to remove the veil of secrecy and hold accountable those protecting dangerous, criminal behavior toward unsuspecting women.

Read ACLJ's Removing Big Abortion's Cloak of Invisibility here .
Jungerheld shares this
The Pro-Abortion Con.
This collection of articles is meant to be a discussion of the devastation of abortion, from the violent execution of the most innocent, vulnerable to their mothers and fathers, to families and societies; from the scientific to the spiritual. It's time to face the truth: As we regard the unborn, we have come to regard one another.More
The Pro-Abortion Con.

This collection of articles is meant to be a discussion of the devastation of abortion, from the violent execution of the most innocent, vulnerable to their mothers and fathers, to families and societies; from the scientific to the spiritual. It's time to face the truth: As we regard the unborn, we have come to regard one another.
This case has come to a verdict, 7-0 against Mr. Glenn's seeking information in the state of Maryland. The 7-0 decision is stunning. It's way past time for us to wake up. There is a complete abandonment of reason in our courts and the chaos and injustice is mounting quickly.
...the case is being heard today, as I write...