Esudazione olio stimmate Gisella Cardia con testimonianza Dr Chifari /Gisella Cardia stigmata oil Trevignano Romano valutazione Peter Bannister : google.com/file/d/1NfErf6efKC2I-nWXU3kwDhqqSzPVu2QL/viewMore
Esudazione olio stimmate Gisella Cardia con testimonianza Dr Chifari /Gisella Cardia stigmata oil

Trevignano Romano valutazione Peter Bannister :

Video filmed at the house of alleged stigmatic Gisella Scarpulla Cardia in Trevignano Romano, Italy, March 24, 2023. Events observed by Peter Bannister and Dr Rosanna Chifari, internationally-known neurologist from Milan who has examined Gisella Cardia previously and monitored her over a period of 18 months. We witnessed the apparent exudation of viscous, fragrant oil from the alleged stigmata of Gisella Cardia on both hands. Our observations are followed by a statement from Dr Chifari (1:43).
English translation:

"Hello, we are at the home of Gisella where we saw - for me for the fourth time - Gisella's stigmata. Before our eyes, they began to exude oil: an oil with an intense fragrance of myrrh, the origin of which is surely not natural. I have reported on the stigmata in the past and they are not scientifically explicable. Why? Despite the depth of the wounds, the hand moves, managing to continue its normal functions in everyday life despite intense pain, whereas it should be red and swollen, which is not the case. The wounds are always open and do not become infected. They have an intense floral fragrance and when they close on Good Friday, they leave no scars. This I have seen and can only testify to it. The phenomenon is not scientifically possible. I call for a Church commission to give subsequent testimony and the Imprimatur concerning what is a truth of grace." Dr Rosanna Chifari Negri, MD, PhD

Provisional personal evaluation of the events in Trevignano Romano (2016 - ):
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