
Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

You are the only person I agree with partially agreeing on getting an abortion. I feel like if the baby has developed a heartbeat it should not be allowed. If someone is raped they know when it happens and there is no reason they should wait iluntil the baby has a heartbeat to get an abortion. The only thing I disagree with is you saying no form of pregnancy prevention is 100%. Absenence is(so).

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Not her body when she chooses to spread her legs to get pregnant, instead of using a condom or contraceptive. She’s housing a baby. No longer just her selfish choice.

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Stop being a lazy whore and use a fucking condom or better yet go get a tubal, get em ties, burnt and clipped. Seems to me like a condom that cost a few kicks and takes seconds to put on is much simpler and cheaper than an abortion.

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

If they aren’t able to take care of a baby why not use precautions to avoid pregnant? I ddontunderstand why people can’t use a condom, that costs little to nothing and is quiet simple, but they can go through with an abortion which takes , time, energy, a lot more money than a condom costs. Makes zero sense to me.

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

It’s not just the woman’s body anymore when she’s pregnant. It belongs to the unborn child that she laid down and spread her legs to help make. If women don’t want babies use protection. It’s really simple. A condom or murder?

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Women can use birth control or keep their fucking legs closed. And to the idiot above who made the comment “why should women keep their legs closed but men stick their dicks in anything that walks”, please go get your tubes tied, cut and burnt. Then go be the whore you want so bad to be.

Graphic: LIVE Abortion Video on Display in Washington

Abortion shouldn’t be allowed to he used as a form of contraceptive. That’s what condoms and birth control are for. If you’re not responsible enough to keep yourself from getting pregnant then by all means keep your damn legs shut. This is murder in the first degree and is absolutely heartbreaking that women think this is ok!