Christine Anderson, MDEP Volle Solidarität! 💪 🚜 Unsere Bauern blockieren seit heute Nacht das EU-Parlament! ❌ Anlässlich des Sondergipfels der EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs für weitere Geldzahlungen …Mehr
Christine Anderson, MDEP
Volle Solidarität! 💪 🚜
Unsere Bauern blockieren seit heute Nacht das EU-Parlament! ❌

Anlässlich des Sondergipfels der EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs für weitere Geldzahlungen an die Ukraine, blockieren unsere Landwirte aktuell mit über 1.000 Traktoren das Regierungsviertel. Sie machen damit auf ihre massiven Probleme aufmerksam, welche durch die Brüsseler Technokraten Jahr für Jahr immer heftiger durchgedrückt werden.
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Christine Anderson, MEP
Full solidarity! 💪 🚜
Our farmers have been blocking the EU Parliament since tonight! ❌
On the occasion of the special summit of EU heads of state and government for further monetary payments to Ukraine, our farmers are currently blocking the government district with over 1,000 tractors. In doing so, they draw attention to their massive problems, which are being pushed …Mehr
Christine Anderson, MEP
Full solidarity! 💪 🚜
Our farmers have been blocking the EU Parliament since tonight! ❌

On the occasion of the special summit of EU heads of state and government for further monetary payments to Ukraine, our farmers are currently blocking the government district with over 1,000 tractors. In doing so, they draw attention to their massive problems, which are being pushed through more and more violently by the Brussels Technocrats year after year.