CARDINAL FRANCIS ARINZE. catholicherald.co.uk/cardinal-arinze… “Even if the bishops decide that the people will receive in the hand and standing, as in the United States, our congregation in Rome has …More


“Even if the bishops decide that the people will receive in the hand and standing, as in the United States, our congregation in Rome has said yes provided that those who want to receive kneeling, you leave them full freedom and those who want to receive on the tongue, you leave the in peace and not in pieces.” (www.youtube.com/watch)

“Even if the bishops have chosen standing, those who want to kneel are free to kneel and no one has the right to say to them: ”You are disobedient.”

“If a person prefers to kneel while receiving Holy Communion, can he do so anywhere in the world? Yes, that is the answer. Those who want to kneel are free and are left in peace and not in pieces.”
“If anybody distributing communion says: “I will not give you Holy Communion, because you are kneeling.”, that person's saying it is wrong, no matter who he is. So we leave the people of god free. Although the general norm in this country is standing, if a person wants to kneel, you are free to do so.”

“If you believe that Christ is our God and he is present, why don't you kneel? Why don't you cawl? Why not show respect?”

“The faithful should receive Holy Communion kneeling, that's the traditional form in the Latin rite. That's the traditional and preferred form, yes. Kneeling or standing as the bishop conference will have determined with his act having received recognition or approval of the Apostolic see."

“Communion is received kneeling or standing. The bishop conference of each country will meet, discuss and vote do they want it standing in their country or kneeling. Whatever the result, they bring it to our congregation in the Vatican. We must ratify it before it becomes effective, otherwise they just kneel.”

“The Holy Eucharist is not the area for fight.”